News on the topic: detention conditions

“He tore my clothes, beat and insulted me.” Survivor stories

21.10.2021 “He tore my clothes, beat and insulted me.” Survivor stories

Nearly one year ago, on October 25, Aliaksandra (not her real name) was arrested while she was hiding with her friends in the entrance hall of an apartment building after the dispersal of a peaceful protest in Minsk. She was half strangled with her own scarf and her shoulder was injured. The girl told her story to Viasna.

Prison conditions for people arrested for commenting on killed KGB officer amount to torture

19.10.2021 Prison conditions for people arrested for commenting on killed KGB officer amount to torture

Most people detained last month for commenting on the Zeltser case are being held in inhumane conditions, according to their families.

Nearly 100 days in prison: Husband and wife convicted for seventh time over “extremist content” in private messages

12.10.2021 Nearly 100 days in prison: Husband and wife convicted for seventh time over “extremist content” in private messages

On October 11, Siarhei Krupenich and Anastasiya Krupenich-Kandratsiyeva, a young couple in Minsk, were sentenced to 15 and 14 days of “administrative imprisonment” for exchanging “extremist content” in a private conversation on the Telegram messaging app.

Political prisoners punished by solitary confinement for answering letters of solidarity

06.10.2021 Political prisoners punished by solitary confinement for answering letters of solidarity

Political prisoners serving their sentences at penal colony No. 17 in Škloŭ are sent to solitary confinement or punishment cells if they reply to letters of support they receive from people they don’t know.

Imprisoned punk rocker Ihar Bantsar to spend remainder of term in penal colony

30.09.2021 Imprisoned punk rocker Ihar Bantsar to spend remainder of term in penal colony

The decision was taken in response to a request by the administration of correctional facility No. 9 in Viciebsk, where the man had already served three and a half months.

Political prisoner Natallia Hersche to be sent to maximum-security mail prison

29.09.2021 Political prisoner Natallia Hersche to be sent to maximum-security mail prison

Political prisoner Natallia Hersche will serve the remainder of her 2 ½-year sentence in a maximum-security prison, after spending nearly 12 months in a general-security penal colony, RFE/RL’s Belarus service learned from Natallia’s brother Henadz Kasiyan.

“No more fear they can be taken out for execution”. The Kostseu brothers meet with family for first time after pardon

18.08.2021 “No more fear they can be taken out for execution”. The Kostseu brothers meet with family for first time after pardon

Illia Kostseu and Stanislau Kostseu, two brothers and former death row prisoners, have been allowed to see their family for the first time since they were pardoned in April 2021, according to their sister Hanna.

Viasna’s Andrei Paluda leaves Belarus, describes detention conditions as inhuman

06.08.2021 Viasna’s Andrei Paluda leaves Belarus, describes detention conditions as inhuman

Andrei Paluda, human rights defender of the Human Rights Center "Viasna" and coordinator of the campaign “Human Rights Defenders against the Death Penalty in Belarus”, has left Belarus after detention and imminent criminal charges.

Stop torture and criminal prosecution of prisoner Artsiom Anishchuk!

16.06.2021 Stop torture and criminal prosecution of prisoner Artsiom Anishchuk!

Statement by the Board of the Human Rights Center "Viasna"

Prisoner swallows “metallic objects” to protest torture

09.06.2021 Prisoner swallows “metallic objects” to protest torture

Artsiom Anishchuk swallowed several metallic objects to avoid “physical and psychological violence” he has been subjected to during his stay at penal colony No. 15 in Mahilioŭ, said quoting the inmate’s lawyer, who managed to see his client for the first time since May 13.

Ales Bialiatski on the death of political prisoner Vitold Ashurak

26.05.2021 Ales Bialiatski on the death of political prisoner Vitold Ashurak

Can we hope that the Investigative Committee will conduct an objective investigation and find out the truth?

Political prisoner Vitold Ashurak dies in detention

21.05.2021 Political prisoner Vitold Ashurak dies in detention

The 50-year-old opposition activist died while serving his 5-year term in the Škloŭ prison.

Hunger strikes and suicide attempts by political prisoners in Belarus: German Members of Parliament show their solidarity

17.03.2021 Hunger strikes and suicide attempts by political prisoners in Belarus: German Members of Parliament show their solidarity

Political prisoners in Belarus protest against inhuman conditions in prison by starting hunger strikes. Two of the detainees have attempted to take their own lives in the past weeks.

Support has no boundaries: how to write letters to political prisoners if you are outside of Belarus

16.01.2021 Support has no boundaries: how to write letters to political prisoners if you are outside of Belarus

Viasna has prepared the answers to the most frequent questions foreigners ask when writing letters to political prisoners.

"They broke my nose and car because I had a white ribbon." Survivor stories

16.12.2020 "They broke my nose and car because I had a white ribbon." Survivor stories

On the night of August 11-12, 31-year-old Minsk resident Mikalai Bondar was literally dragged from his car by law enforcement officers for a white ribbon on his arm. The traffic and riot policemen smashed his car, beat him, broke his nose, and took him to the detention center.

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