News on the topic: detention conditions

"Not a single person sentenced to home confinement has been let off the hook." Why is home confinement not a ticket to freedom?

27.04.2023 "Not a single person sentenced to home confinement has been let off the hook." Why is home confinement not a ticket to freedom?

Some protesters are "lucky" to be punished by home confinement. But today, under incessant repression, can it be considered a ticket to freedom?

Extreme forms of protest used by political prisoners in Belarus

07.04.2023 Extreme forms of protest used by political prisoners in Belarus

Severe pressure, torture, and unbearable living and working conditions increasingly force political prisoners to express their protest using harsh methods.

Sports in custody: how the right turned into a method of pressure

22.02.2023 Sports in custody: how the right turned into a method of pressure

People behind bars are not just deprived of the right to physical activity — it becomes another method of pressure from the authorities, when impossible conditions are created for any, even minimal exercise.

"Katya, you are sure to understand everything". Story told by the journalist detained upon a court hearing in the Viasna case and banned from entering Belarus for 10 years

08.02.2023 "Katya, you are sure to understand everything". Story told by the journalist detained upon a court hearing in the Viasna case and banned from entering Belarus for 10 years

Viasna has had a talk with Ekaterina Yanshina about her detention in the courtroom, 15 days spent in a "political" cell at the custodial facility in Akrestsina Lane, deportation from Belarus and how repressions in Belarus are different from those in Russia. 

Post-referendum protest detainee: “Women in the cell did not know that the war had started”

25.01.2023 Post-referendum protest detainee: “Women in the cell did not know that the war had started”

On 27 February 2022, the referendum day, around a thousand protesters were detained in Belarus. Out interlocutor was one of them.

“Gas sprayed into ventilation reached us”: Akrescina facilities detention conditions throughout 2022 in detainees own words

11.01.2023 “Gas sprayed into ventilation reached us”: Akrescina facilities detention conditions throughout 2022 in detainees own words

Viasna's month-by-month chronicle shows the scale of repression and how the methods of pressure on Belarusians used by law enforcers and authorities have (not) changed throughout 2022.

Administrative prosecution in 2022: At least 6,380 arrests

11.01.2023 Administrative prosecution in 2022: At least 6,380 arrests

Viasna's yearly review of the administrative prosecution on political grounds.

"The whole floor was covered in my blood." Former detainee speaks of torture

02.01.2023 "The whole floor was covered in my blood." Former detainee speaks of torture

A Minsk resident told Viasna about the two-hour torture and beatings by the officers of the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime and Corruption, the nurse's response to his broken finger, and the detention conditions in TDC in July this year.

Tortures continue in detention: the most notable cases in 2022

30.12.2022 Tortures continue in detention: the most notable cases in 2022

Torture and detention in inhumane conditions have been an integral part of the political persecution in Belarus since August 2020. We recall the most notorious torture cases that leaked out in 2022.

Ex political prisoner: “There were people whose legs were completely blue”

12.12.2022 Ex political prisoner: “There were people whose legs were completely blue”

Escaped political prisoner Aliaksandr Andrushkevich's account of his arrest and detention.

“It was short electric shocks, but at least they didn't hit me!”

28.07.2022 “It was short electric shocks, but at least they didn't hit me!”

A former detainee told us about police torture with a taser, recruiting informants, and almost a month in detention

“If he didn't like the answer, he hit me with a stick”: Ex-detainee recounts her experience of torture by police

12.07.2022 “If he didn't like the answer, he hit me with a stick”: Ex-detainee recounts her experience of torture by police

Hanna Morskaya spent 63 days behind bars in inhuman conditions

Criminal prosecution in Belarus: legal system completely reoriented towards repression

27.05.2022 Criminal prosecution in Belarus: legal system completely reoriented towards repression

Viasna human rights defenders prepared a report “Criminal prosecution for political reasons. Belarus 2021–2022”

Crackdown on antiwar protests in Belarus cities and small towns

09.04.2022 Crackdown on antiwar protests in Belarus cities and small towns

Belarusians protesting against the war in which the territory of Belarus is involved against their will

The Observatory calls for urgent intervention in Marfa Rabkova's case

07.04.2022 The Observatory calls for urgent intervention in Marfa Rabkova's case

Urgent action is needed due to upcoming trial and deteriorating health of Viasna human rights defender

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