News on the topic: detention conditions

“They kicked me in the head with their police boots.” Survivor stories

07.09.2020 “They kicked me in the head with their police boots.” Survivor stories

Dzmitry Mishakouski was detained in the Maskoŭski district of Minsk, near the Malinaŭka metro station at about 5 pm on August 12. "The riot police were chasing someone. I turned up by chance, they put me in a bus or in a police van, I don't remember which. They took my phone away at once, broke it, asked for the password, I do not understand on what grounds."

47 victims complain to UN Committee against Torture

04.09.2020 47 victims complain to UN Committee against Torture

The Human Rights Center “Viasna” and the Belarusian Helsinki Committee have appealed to the UN Committee against Torture on behalf of 47 victims of police-related violence, urging the Committee to investigate the systematic use of torture in Belarus in early August 2020.

"Officers abused me all the time because I’m black." Survivor stories

03.09.2020 "Officers abused me all the time because I’m black." Survivor stories

Hleb was detained on August 11 near the shopping center “Skala”. He says that the riot policemen detained him when he simply walked down the street with headphones on his head.

“So you are for Tsikhanouskaya?” Survivor stories

31.08.2020 “So you are for Tsikhanouskaya?” Survivor stories

The Human Rights Center “Viasna” and the World Organization Against Torture (OMCT) launched a campaign to document cases of torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment of protesters on August 9-13. Some testimonies of people who survived torture and violence will be published on our website as evidence of crimes committed by security forces.

“Now we’ll show you how to s..t your pants." Survivor stories

27.08.2020 “Now we’ll show you how to s..t your pants." Survivor stories

On August 11, Dzianis Selivankin was approached by two police officers at the intersection of Pieramožcaŭ Avenue and Mieĺnikajte Street. What they saw in Dzianis’s Telegram enraged them.

NGOs call on UN Human Rights Council to convene extraordinary session on Belarus crisis

26.08.2020 NGOs call on UN Human Rights Council to convene extraordinary session on Belarus crisis

The UN Human Rights Council must urgently convene a special session to address the human rights crisis in Belarus, where authorities have launched a full-scale crackdown following disputed presidential elections, Amnesty International and 15 other international and Belarusian NGOs said today in an open letter.

HRDs request UN intervention in Belarus torture reports

24.08.2020 HRDs request UN intervention in Belarus torture reports

The Human Rights Center “Viasna”, the Belarusian Helsinki Committee (BHC), the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) have written to the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture to express their grave concern and to call upon intervention in relation to the violent crackdown against peaceful protesters in the aftermath of the presidential elections held on 9 August 2020 in Belarus.

“We were trampled in the police bus.” Survivor stories

24.08.2020 “We were trampled in the police bus.” Survivor stories

The Human Rights Center “Viasna” and the World Organization Against Torture (OMCT) launched a campaign to document cases of torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment of protesters on August 9-13. Some testimonies of people who survived torture and violence will be published on our website as evidence of crimes committed by security forces.

10 points on torture and ill-treatment reports

20.08.2020 10 points on torture and ill-treatment reports

After thousands peaceful protesters were detained and hundreds were subjected to inhuman treatment on August 9 and in the following days, the Human Rights Center "Viasna" together with the World Organization against Torture (OMCT) began to collect testimonies of victims and document them.

OSCE/ODIHR alarmed by increasing threats to human rights in Belarus following presidential election

19.08.2020 OSCE/ODIHR alarmed by increasing threats to human rights in Belarus following presidential election

Following the large-scale arrests of peaceful protestors in Belarus together with disturbing reports of violent physical abuse, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) calls for the immediate release of all those who have been unlawfully detained and a prompt and impartial investigation into alleged human rights abuses.

44 protesters still in detention, 13 missing, one more reported dead

19.08.2020 44 protesters still in detention, 13 missing, one more reported dead

44 people detained during the post-election protests remain in custody, after they were sentenced to short terms of administrative detention, the Ministry of Internal Affairs said.

A carpet of bodies: one woman’s ordeal in detention in Belarus

18.08.2020 A carpet of bodies: one woman’s ordeal in detention in Belarus

“It’s change you wanted? Here is some change for you! Want some more? Next time you’ll know when to stay home!” This is what police shouted at the men at one of Minsk’s main detention centres, as they beat them mercilessly.

Interior Ministry pledges to release remaining protesters today. Dozens detainees still missing

17.08.2020 Interior Ministry pledges to release remaining protesters today. Dozens detainees still missing

The remaining 122 protesters have been released from the detention centers of Belarus, the bulk of them in Žodzina and Brest, the Interior Ministry’s spokesperson said. The list has been published by the Prosecutor General’s Office. Six persons are still being held as part of “ongoing investigations.”

Viasna insists on criminal charges against security officers amid vast torture evidence

17.08.2020 Viasna insists on criminal charges against security officers amid vast torture evidence

Human rights activists of “Viasna” appealed to the Prosecutor General’s Office demanding immediate initiation of a criminal case against law enforcement officers who abused their authority in dispersing peaceful demonstrators.

Belarusian human rights organizations urge Interior Minister to stop torture and police abuse

14.08.2020 Belarusian human rights organizations urge Interior Minister to stop torture and police abuse

Statement by Belarusian human rights organizations

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