News on the topic: solidarity

Let’s mark together the Day of solidarity with civil society and human rights movement in Belarus!

23.07.2015 Let’s mark together the Day of solidarity with civil society and human rights movement in Belarus!

August 4th is the day marked by democratic activists around the world as the Day of solidarity with civil society and human rights movement in Belarus.

Human rights activists protest during President Aliyev’s visit to Berlin

22.01.2015 Human rights activists protest during President Aliyev’s visit to Berlin

On January 21, representatives of the Berlin-based European Platform for Democratic Elections (EPDE) and local activists of Reporters without Borders held a protest outside the office of the Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel, who met with the Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.

Proceedings for liquidation of “Memorial” postponed to December 17

13.11.2014 Proceedings for liquidation of “Memorial” postponed to December 17

Today the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation Ministry of Justice has postponed consideration of the claim on the elimination of the "Memorial" to 17 December.

Azerbaijan must stop its suppression of civil society

12.11.2014 Azerbaijan must stop its suppression of civil society

46 NGOs from 10 Human Rights Houses call upon Azerbaijan to stop the on going suppression of civil society, as Azerbaijan's chairmanship of the Council of Europe ends.

“We'll try to do everything possible to achieve the review of the annulment of the residence permit”

04.11.2014 “We'll try to do everything possible to achieve the review of the annulment of the residence permit”

Deputy Chairman of the Human Rights Centre "Viasna" Valiantsin Stefanovich expressed his attitude to the decision on cancellation of the residence permit and the consideration of expulsion from the Republic of Belarus of the human rights activist Yelena Tonkacheva, leader of the Centre for Legal Transformation Lawtrend.

Let's demonstrate solidarity with Elena Talkachova: petition state bodies with the request to refrain from expelling the human rights activist from the country

04.11.2014 Let's demonstrate solidarity with Elena Talkachova: petition state bodies with the request to refrain from expelling the human rights activist from the country

The Human Rights Centre “Viasna” joins the call of our colleagues from the Center for Legal Transformation Lawtrend to direct petitions to the state agencies with the request not to expel human rights activist Elena Tonkacheva from Belarus.

Support human rights defender Intigam Aliyev!

18.08.2014 Support human rights defender Intigam Aliyev!

Intigam Aliyev, an international expert in the field of human rights and head of the Legal Education Society, who is under arrest in Azerbaijan, is the nominee of the contest “Hero of the Caucasus-2013”.

Ales, imprisoned for the past two years: join us!

24.07.2013 Ales, imprisoned for the past two years: join us!

August 4, 2013 will mark a sad anniversary. Ales Bialiatski has been in jail for two years. Two years behind bars for defending human rights in his home country, Belarus. Ales keeps his hopes up. And despite the forced daily work, he writes a lot. His colleagues published his writings on prison literature in Belarus. And he is currently working on a second book on the human rigts movement in his country. On August 4, we will be alongside Ales. The Belarusian government must know it!

28.06.2013 Jacek Protasiewicz: The European Union hopes for the release of political prisoners

Vice-President of the European Parliament, Jacek Protasiewicz expressed confidence that now it is a time for the Belarusian officials to take steps necessary for the improvement of relations between the EU and Minsk. Above all, Belarusian authorities should free political prisoners. Minsk does not have time to spare to do that. The politician told to about the EU expectations.

Salidarnasts launches Week of Political Prisoner campaign

17.06.2013 Salidarnasts launches Week of Political Prisoner campaign

The Committee for the Protection of the Repressed Salidarnasts launched today an information campaign of solidarity with political prisoners in Belarus under the name Week of Political Prisoner.

Viasna joins campaign of solidarity with Russia’s civil society

30.04.2013 Viasna joins campaign of solidarity with Russia’s civil society

If challenging times are coming to Russia now, it is the time to pay attention to it, to support civil society groups and activists of Russia, to come together and to prove that the international civil society is alive and common values are more important for it than the borders between our countries.

 April 30 — International Day of Solidarity with Russian Civil Society

30.04.2013 April 30 — International Day of Solidarity with Russian Civil Society

Nowadays Russian and international civil society face a great challenge. Russian civil society needs our help and international solidarity!

Jailed Bahraini human rights defender Nabeel Rajab needs our solidarity!

21.02.2013 Jailed Bahraini human rights defender Nabeel Rajab needs our solidarity!

The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), which has repeatedly supported Belarusian human rights defenders through the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, is urging us today to support Nabeel Rajab, our colleague from Bahrain, imprisoned for calls in defense of the right to peaceful assembly.

Radio “Racyja” expresses solidarity with political prisoners

11.12.2012 Radio “Racyja” expresses solidarity with political prisoners

Journalists of Radio “Racyja” voiced their support to Belarusian political prisoners on the Universal Human Rights Day, 10 December.

Solidarity marathon in Warsaw

10.12.2012 Solidarity marathon in Warsaw

A solidarity action with political prisoners was held for 24 hours in Warsaw on 8 December. All volunteers were given an opportunity to write letters in their support.

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