News on the topic: political prisoners

"The routine is organized in such a way that you can get a "violation" record at any moment." Why political prisoners do not get early release

07.06.2024 "The routine is organized in such a way that you can get a "violation" record at any moment." Why political prisoners do not get early release

We discuss with former political prisoners and human rights defenders, why none of the options for political prisoners to be released early work.

Belarusian political prisoners in high-security prisons: pressure intensifies

07.06.2024 Belarusian political prisoners in high-security prisons: pressure intensifies

Viasna reports how the administration of the colonies punishes political prisoners and which of the political prisoners are recognized as "malicious violators of the order." 

The statement on the recognition of 9 people as political prisoners

06.06.2024 The statement on the recognition of 9 people as political prisoners

Joint statement by the Belarusian human rights community

Stories of teenage political prisoners of Belarus who were deprived of their freedom

05.06.2024 Stories of teenage political prisoners of Belarus who were deprived of their freedom

Viasna reports how the Belarusian authorities persecute children for political reasons, and why the children were imprisoned.

Amnesty 2024: in honor of the liberation of Belarus without the release of political prisoners

04.06.2024 Amnesty 2024: in honor of the liberation of Belarus without the release of political prisoners

Since Belarus asserted its independence, more than a dozen amnesty laws have been adopted. This usually happens in connection with the state celebration of some anniversary.

At least 28 political prisoners released in May having served their sentences

03.06.2024 At least 28 political prisoners released in May having served their sentences

Viasna recounts their cases and terms in the monthly digest.

We demand the rehabilitation of 29 former political prisoners

03.06.2024 We demand the rehabilitation of 29 former political prisoners

Joint statement by the Belarusian human rights community

How and why are priests being persecuted in Belarus?

30.05.2024 How and why are priests being persecuted in Belarus?

Representatives of the religious community who supported the democratic movement are widely persecuted in Belarus.

At least 5,133 convicted in criminal cases: four years of persecution in numbers

30.05.2024 At least 5,133 convicted in criminal cases: four years of persecution in numbers

Today, Viasna reports the numbers reflecting the four years of unprecedented brutal mass persecution in the country.

Four years since the day of mass detentions in Hrodna: what happened to the defendants in the Tsikhanouski case

29.05.2024 Four years since the day of mass detentions in Hrodna: what happened to the defendants in the Tsikhanouski case

Those events on a square in Hrodna on May 29, 2020, can be called the beginning of mass persecution in Belarus, which continue to this time.

The statement on the recognition of 9 people as political prisoners

29.05.2024 The statement on the recognition of 9 people as political prisoners

Joint statement by the Belarusian human rights community

"Return to the here and now": how Belarusians who suffered from persecution cope with mental problems

27.05.2024 "Return to the here and now": how Belarusians who suffered from persecution cope with mental problems

Viasna continues to publish stories where victims of political repression give advice and speak about the things that helped them cope with mental disorders.

The statement on the recognition of 6 people as political prisoners

27.05.2024 The statement on the recognition of 6 people as political prisoners

Statement by the human rights community of Belarus

The statement on the recognition of 11 people as political prisoners

24.05.2024 The statement on the recognition of 11 people as political prisoners

Joint statement by the Belarusian human rights community

Day of Solidarity with Political Prisoners of Belarus: demonstrations held all over the world

23.05.2024 Day of Solidarity with Political Prisoners of Belarus: demonstrations held all over the world

Viasna reports how Belarusians expressed solidarity with those who are now behind bars and with those who will not return from there.

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