News on the topic: human rights defenders

27.05.2009 Prison administration accepts parcel for Autukhovich

On 27 May a number of human rights activists made a successful attempt to pass a parcel to the imprisoned Mikalai Autukhovich. According to Uladzimir Labkovich, the parcel contained a TV antenna, a chess set and batteries. However, the prison security still refuse to accept drinking water. The human rights activists say the refusal is illegal, for neither the law nor regulations by the Ministry of the Interior provide for any restrictions pertaining the content of parcels for convicts.

25.05.2009 Uladzimir Labkovich: ‘As it turns out, since I use Belarusian, it is my personal problem how to take part in a trial’

The famous Belarusian human rights activist and lawyer Uladzimir Labkovich has lodged a complaint with the Ministry of Justice against a judge of Hrodna Regional Court who refused to carry on a court hearing on 21 May in Belarusian. She also refused to provide an interpreter, saying it is the court who decides which language to use. The human rights expert hopes that under the circumstances the verdict of Hrodna Regional Court would be reversed and reconsidered. ‘It is a flagrant and sad fact, for if I were, say, a Vietnamese, they would have surely provided interpreting. As it turns out, since I use Belarusian, it is my personal problem how to take part in a trial,’ says Mr.Labkovich.

22.05.2009 Human rights activists issue statement on cases of Autukhovich, Liavonau and Asipenka

Statement on the cases of M.Autukhovich, Y.Liavonau and U.Asipenka 22 May 2009 Human rights activists are concerned about the violation of the rights of Mikalai Autukhovich, Yury Liavonau and Uladzimer Asipenka, who are kept under arrest for their alleged involvement in the arson facts in Vaukavysk in 2004. Human rights activists stress that the periods of the preliminary investigation are dragged out. The businessmen have been in a pre-trial detention center since February 2009. Since then the investigation has been repeatedly prolonged. Meanwhile, the investigators fail to carry out any investigative actions. Thus, the legality of their imprisonment seems absolutely groundless.

22.05.2009 Navapolatsk human rights activist insists on initiating criminal case for fomenting national hatred

Zmitser Salauyou, human rights activist from the town of Navapolatsk, has lodged another complaint with Navapolatsk town prosecutor’s office, requesting to initiate a criminal prosecution for fomenting national hatred and disorderly conduct of an unknown group of neo-Nazis. The activist says the offenders have repeatedly smeared houses with pro-Fascist slogans and insignia. It his third attempt to draw attention to the facts, where Mr.Slauyou provides a number of recent facts indicating to the group’s activities. ‘Neo-Nazi groups keep attacking informal youth. On 9 May they attacked A.Kucharenka, and threatened him with violence,’ says Mr.Slauyou.

18.05.2009 Human rights activist to stand trial for organizing rally at anniversary of Chernobyl disaster

An administrative case of Tamara Shchapyotkina, public and human rights activist from Byaroza, is to take place in the Byaroza district court at 4.00 p.m. May 20.

The activist is accused of violation of the rules of organizing and holding a mass street event (part 1, article 23.34 of the Code of Administrative Offences of Belarus), human rights center Viasna reports.

On April 26, during a traditional action “Candle of Memory” timed to an anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster, Tamara Shchapyotkina was detained by militia in Byaroza.

The action “Candle of Memory” has been carried out in Byaroza for the eighth time. It has never been agreed upon with officials, as its format, human rights activists think, doesn’t fall within the law.

18.05.2009 Case against human rights activist Leanid Svetsik reaches trial

Vitsebsk regional prosecutor’s office has submitted the lawsuit against the local human rights activist Leanid Svetsik to Vitsebsk regional court. No details on the trial are known yet. Leanid Svetsik has been accused of fomenting religious strife and libel against President Lukashenka. Mr.Svetsik does not admit his guilt, saying the prosecution is the result of his human rights activities.

Uladzimir Labkovich: We can forecast that ‘Nasha Viasna’ won’t be registered again

14.05.2009 Uladzimir Labkovich: We can forecast that ‘Nasha Viasna’ won’t be registered again

Members of the civil human rights association Nasha Viasna, the documents for the state registration of which have been once again passed to the Ministry of Justice, inform that officers of the Ministry of Justice calls to their jobs and ask various questions concerning the life and activities of the people who became the founders of the NGO.

Valiantsin Stefanovich: ‘Why use water cannons if policemen like to beat people with feet?’

06.05.2009 Valiantsin Stefanovich: ‘Why use water cannons if policemen like to beat people with feet?’

According to Alexander Lukashenka, the legislation in Belarus is better than in the European Union. In the interview to the Reuters agency he stated that ‘dictator Lukashenka hasn’t ever used tear gas or water cannons’.

New offence on negligent parents

04.05.2009 New offence on negligent parents

The Ministry of Internal Affairs proposes to introduce amendments to presidential decree #18 with the aim to increase the responsibility of parents who evade from paying alimonies.

Border guards listen to human rights defender Valiantsin Stefanovich’s CDs

04.05.2009 Border guards listen to human rights defender Valiantsin Stefanovich’s CDs

On 4 May in the morning the human rights defender Valiantsin Stefanovich was returning home from Lithuania. The border guards examined his car and personal belongings.

30.04.2009 Human Rights activists oppose trip of former Internal Minister head Navumau to Switzerland

Well-known human rights activists from Sweden and Belarus have addressed leadership of the Swedish Ice Hockey Federation with an appeal not to allow former Internal Minister Uladzimir Navumau to Switzerland.

As informed by Radio Svaboda, the appeal has been made by the president of the initiative “Ostgruppen for demokrati och manskliga rattigheter” Martin Uggla and the head of the human rights centre “Viasna” Ales Byalatski.

29.04.2009 Front Line issues statement on refusal to register human rights organisation Nasha Viasna

Front Line is concerned by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus, on 22 April 2009, to maintain the previous decision of the Ministry of Justice not to register the human rights organisation Nasha Viasna (Our spring). Nasha Viasna is the new name of the human rights centre previously known as Viasna (Spring), which was closed down by the Supreme Court following the demand of the Ministry of Justice on 28 November 2003. The human rights center Viasna is one of the most active Belarusian human rights organisations, specialising in particular in the defence, protection and promotion of political and social rights.

Belarusian MFA ignores decision of UN Human Rights Committee

13.04.2009 Belarusian MFA ignores decision of UN Human Rights Committee

Ales Bialiatski, the chairman of the board of the Human Rights Center Viasna that was liquidated in October 2003, received an answer from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to his recent inquiry. He asked the MFA to explain what measures had been taken for implementation of the ruling of the UN Human Rights Committee concerning registration of Viasna.

10.04.2009 The international foundation for the protection of human rights defenders ‘Frontline’ expresses concern with legal proceedings against Leanid Svetsik

The international foundation for the protection of human rights defenders 'Frontline' addressed Alexander Lukashenka with a letter to express concern with harassment of the human rights defender Leanid Svetsik.

Statement of Human Rights House Foundation and Norwegian Helsinki Committee on criminal persecution of Leanid Svetsik

09.04.2009 Statement of Human Rights House Foundation and Norwegian Helsinki Committee on criminal persecution of Leanid Svetsik

The Human Rights House Foundation and the Norwegian Helsinki Committee are concerned about the charges brought against the human rights defender Leanid Svetsik from the Vitebsk region and urge the Belarusian authorities to carry out a transparent and impartial investigation. On 31 March the KGB office in Vitebsk region charged Leanid Svetsik with violating Article 130 (fomentation of national and religious enmity), and Article 367 of the Criminal Code (insulting the honour of the President).

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