News on the topic: human rights defenders

Mazyr HR activist says he suffered for political activity

22.07.2009 Mazyr HR activist says he suffered for political activity

According to the BelaPAN news agency, Mazyr human rights activist Pavel Nazdra has been accused of violating military registration rules and is facing a fine. ‘I have been charged with failure to inform the local military registration department of employment changes, while my employer did inform the department in due time,’ said the activist. Mr.Nazdra thinks the prosecution is caused by his activities in the civil society, namely his attempts to draw attention to the problem of exterminating stray pets. The activist says it is another case when the local authorities use Article 25.8 of the Administrative Code to prosecute him for his civil activities.

  Human rights activist Leanid Svetsik sentenced to huge fine

16.07.2009 Human rights activist Leanid Svetsik sentenced to huge fine

Judge of Vitsebsk regional court found the human rights activist guilty of stirring up religious and ethnic discord.

Leanid Svetsik must pay a fine of 31 mln Br ($10,890).

In his turn, as Radio Svaboda notes, the human rights activist strongly objects the verdict and believes he had been convicted illegally.

In 2006–2007, Leanid Svetsik was rendering legal aid to Vitsebsk activists, who received letters with threats on behalf of unregistered pro-Nazi organization Russian National Unity, was helping to prepare complaints to prosecutors.

Vitsebsk activists protest against criminal persecution of human rights activist Leanid Svetsik

10.07.2009 Vitsebsk activists protest against criminal persecution of human rights activist Leanid Svetsik

Civil and political activists of Vitsebsk distributed the following statement concerning the criminal persecution of Vitsebsk human rights defender Leanid Svetsik. Expressing their protest against criminal and court persecution the activists demand an objective and all-sided trial of Leanid Svetsik’s case by a competent, independent and impartial court.

Human rights defender Leanid Svetsik had his last plea. Verdict to be pronounced on 16 July

09.07.2009 Human rights defender Leanid Svetsik had his last plea. Verdict to be pronounced on 16 July

On 9 July Leanid Svetik, who is accused under Article 130, part 1 of the Criminal Code (fomentation of national and religious enmity), had his last plea at Vitsebsk oblast court. He pleaded innocent and stated that the criminal case was the revenge of the authorities for his human rights activities. Then the judge stated that the verdict will be pronounced on 16 July.

08.07.2009 Human Rights Center 'Viasna' demands immediate release of Artsiom Dubski

On 7 July 2009 Asipovichy district court sentenced the youth activist Artsiom Dubski to one year of imprisonment in a general regime colony. Artsiom was taken to the pre-trial prison right after the announcement of the verdict.

Mahiliou: rent for human rights defenders is raised tenfold

08.07.2009 Mahiliou: rent for human rights defenders is raised tenfold

Mahiliou authorities have abolished the preferential office rent coefficient for Mahiliou Human Rights Center, Mahiliou regional branch of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee and Mahiliou city charitable association Otklik.

Detentions in Brest: police violate ruling of deputy minister of information

08.07.2009 Detentions in Brest: police violate ruling of deputy minister of information

The detained participants of a peaceful picket in the memory of the missing cameraman Zmitser Zavadski spent some hours at the police department where printed materials were seized.

Ales Bialiatski: ‘Trial of Maxim Dashuk is disgraceful political process’

08.07.2009 Ales Bialiatski: ‘Trial of Maxim Dashuk is disgraceful political process’

On 7 June Asipovichy district court sentenced the participant of the ‘Process of 14’ Artsiom Dubski to one year in jail. Artsiom Dubski was recognized prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International.

Vitsebsk: prosecutor demands two years of imprisonment for human rights defender Leanid Svetsik

08.07.2009 Vitsebsk: prosecutor demands two years of imprisonment for human rights defender Leanid Svetsik

On 8 July at the hearings of the criminal case against the human rights defender Leanid Svetsik at Vitsebsk oblast court the prosecutor asked the judge to punish the defendant with two years in jail.

Vitsebsk activists collect signatures in support of Leanid Svetsik

07.07.2009 Vitsebsk activists collect signatures in support of Leanid Svetsik

The civil activists of Vitsebsk are collecting signatures under an official statement in support of the human rights defender Leanid Svetsik. They intend to pass this document to Vitsebsk oblast court where the criminal case against Mr. Svetsik is tried.

Human rights defender Raman Yurhel lost his job

30.06.2009 Human rights defender Raman Yurhel lost his job

On 23 June Raman Yurhel, representative of the republican human rights NGOs Belarusian Helsinki Committee in Hrodna oblast, was dismissed from the position of watchman at Hrodnaselbudprayekt on grounds of redundancy. The administration of the enterprise warned him about it a month before it.

Human rights defenders call on prosecutor general to release Vaukavysk entrepreneurs

30.06.2009 Human rights defenders call on prosecutor general to release Vaukavysk entrepreneurs

Human rights defenders have appealed to the prosecutor general with the request to free three opponents of the government, Mikalai Autukhovich, Yury Liavonau and Uladzimir Asipenka, from custody.

Vitsebsk: poetess demands 7 million rubles from human rights defender Leanid Svetsik

29.06.2009 Vitsebsk: poetess demands 7 million rubles from human rights defender Leanid Svetsik

Tamara Krasnova-Husachenka has filed a lawsuit with Vitsebsk oblast court where the legal proceedings concerning the human rights defender Leanid Svetsik still continue. She demands from him 7 million rubles in alleged damages to her health.

Hrodna human rights activists fight against death penalty

24.06.2009 Hrodna human rights activists fight against death penalty

Members of Viasna’s Hrodna office held a three-day civil campaign against the death penalty. The action was joined by several other opposition activists, including members of the UCPB, Young Democrats and the Civil Forum. The activists distributed calendars with an inscription ‘Belarus is the only European country, which still uses the death penalty.’ They also informed local residents of the situation with the death penalty both in Europe and in Belarus.

PACE calls on Belarus to register Nasha Viasna

24.06.2009 PACE calls on Belarus to register Nasha Viasna

Resolution 1671 (2009)1 Parliamentary Assembly Assemblee parlementaire

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