News on the topic: arrest

Vitsebsk CCP-BPF activist sentenced to 7 days of arrest over picketing

26.03.2014 Vitsebsk CCP-BPF activist sentenced to 7 days of arrest over picketing

The Pershamaiski District Court of Vitsebsk considered today the case of a member of the Conservative Christian Party Belarusian Popular Front Yan Dziarzhautsau charged with participating in an unauthorized mass event on March 22. On March 25, he was detained by police when he was returning from Freedom Day celebrations. The night before the trial he was held in temporary detention.

Two Freedom Day protesters sentenced to short prison terms

26.03.2014 Two Freedom Day protesters sentenced to short prison terms

The Court of Minsk’s Zavodski district heard today administrative charges brought against two activists detained during yesterday's Freedom Day demonstration.

National Bolshevik activist serving short jail term

26.03.2014 National Bolshevik activist serving short jail term

Activist of the National Bolshevik movement Dzmitry Paliyenka was transferred this morning to the detention center to serve an administrative arrest of 13 days on hooliganism charges. Meanwhile, for two days, his whereabouts and legal status remained unknown. The court, as well as various departments of the Interior Ministry, who were addressed by the activist’s relatives and friends, denied his detention.

BCD Secretary sentenced to 2 days in jail

24.03.2014 BCD Secretary sentenced to 2 days in jail

The Kastrychnitski District Court of Minsk heard today the case of the Executive Secretary of the organizing committee of the party "Belarusian Christian Democracy" Dzianis Sadouski. The activist was charged under Article 17.1 of the Administrative Code (disorderly conduct). The case considered by Judge Siarhei Hermanovich.

UCP activists gets five days in jail

24.03.2014 UCP activists gets five days in jail

UCP member Anton Zhylko stood trial today in the Court of Minsk’s Partyzanski district on charges of distributing leaflets advertising Freedom Day celebrations expected on March 25 and authorized by the officials.

UCP Homel activist sentenced to 10-day arrest over picketing

17.03.2014 UCP Homel activist sentenced to 10-day arrest over picketing

Judge Siarhei Sheustruk of Homel’s Savetski district found UCP member Uladzimir Shytsikau guilty of violating procedures for organizing a mass event and punished him with 10 days of arrest. The hearing took place without witnesses, as one who wanted to support the detainee was allowed in the courthouse.

Vaukavysk activist Vital Huliak fined 1.3 mln over solidarity with Ukraine

17.03.2014 Vaukavysk activist Vital Huliak fined 1.3 mln over solidarity with Ukraine

Vital Huliak, an opposition activist of the town of Vaukavysk, Hrodna region, has been sentenced to a fine of 1.3 mln rubles by the Vaukavysk District Court. He was detained by police on March 13 for staging a picket in support of Ukraine. Vital Huliak came out with a Ukrainian flag and the banner "No to War! Putin Out!" The trial was scheduled for March 14, but was adjourned till the 17th.

Aliaksandr Artsybashau and Pavel Vinahradau sentenced to large arrest terms

15.03.2014 Aliaksandr Artsybashau and Pavel Vinahradau sentenced to large arrest terms

The activists of “Zmena” (the youth wing of “Tell the Truth”) were detained on March 13. Artsybashau drove to the office of the police inspection, where ex-political prisoner Vinahradau came for regular registration.

12.03.2014 Homel activists get jailed for solidarity with Ukraine

The Homel activists Zmitser Karashkou and Stanislau Bula who had been detained near the embassy of Russia in Minsk were sentenced to 15 and 11 days in custody respectively.

Activists of “For Freedom” movement arrested for action of solidarity with Ukraine

08.03.2014 Activists of “For Freedom” movement arrested for action of solidarity with Ukraine

Artsiom Liava and Ales Marchanka were sentenced to five days of arrest for a rally of solidarity with the Ukraine, held near the Russian Embassy on March 6.

Maksim Viniarski sentenced to 15 days of arrest for action of solidarity with Ukraine

06.03.2014 Maksim Viniarski sentenced to 15 days of arrest for action of solidarity with Ukraine

Maksim Viniarski, a coordinator of European Belarus, held a picket near the Embassy of Russia in Belarus on March 5.

Participants of protest action near the Russian Embassy sentenced to arrest terms

03.03.2014 Participants of protest action near the Russian Embassy sentenced to arrest terms

At 2 p.m. on March 2, activists of various social and political movements tried to hold an action of protest near the Embassy of the Russian Federation. They were met by policemen in civvies and paddy wagons. The dispersal of the protest action was directed by the head of the Minsk police, Aliaksandr Barsukou. All in all, 23 people were detained, including many journalists. All detainees were taken to the Tsentralny District Police Department. The journalists were soon released.

Opposition activists sentenced to 10 days of arrest

25.02.2014 Opposition activists sentenced to 10 days of arrest

On February 22, two youth opposition activists, Mikalai Dzemidzenka and Zmitser Kremianetski, were detained at the Ukrainian border and denied entry to Ukraine for 5 years. After that, there appeared Belarusian police, who detained the guys for allegedly using foul language.

BATE fan: “At the police station I was shown a photo and told that I was in it”

04.02.2014 BATE fan: “At the police station I was shown a photo and told that I was in it”

One of the fans BATE anonymously told Radio “Liberty” how the police were persecuting Barysau fans of the football club BATE for holding an action of solidarity with the Ukrainian protesters.

Salihorsk: Ban on Human Rights Day picket appealed to court

28.12.2013 Salihorsk: Ban on Human Rights Day picket appealed to court

Uladzimir Shyla filed a complaint to the district court of Salihorsk against a ban on a rally that was to be held on Human Rights Day.

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