News on the topic: arrest

11.02.2009 Detained entrepreneurs are transferred to prison in Valadarski Street

The term of imprisonment of Uladzimir Asipenka, Mikalai Autukhovich and Yury Liavonau and has been extended for 7 days. Political prisoners have been transferred from the detention centre in Akrestsin Street to the remand prison in Valadarski Street.

10.02.2009 Hantsavichy: Ales Zanko has been released from jail

While being examined by a medical commission concerning his fitness for work, Ales Zanko had to apply for help to the oblast department of health care. The vice-headmaster of Hantsavichy district hospital Yauhen Nestsiarchuk took revenge on Zanko for it. He applied to the police with the statement that Mr. Zanko insulted him with foul language. In addition, he got the head of Hantsavichy house economy refuse to employ Ales Zanko. As a result, instead of getting a job Ales was imprisoned for 10 days. When Radio Racyja asked judge Uladzimir Kosmach why the punishment was so severe, the latter refused from commenting on it and said only that he issued the verdict with the account of the delinquent’s personality. Bear in mind that Ales Zanko is the son of a well-known opposition activist Mikalai Zanko.

09.02.2009 Arrests and searches in Vaukavysk

The apartment of Mikalai Aksamit, former member of the Supreme Soviet of the 12th Convocation, member of the Belarusian Popular Front Party, was searched.

09.02.2009 Arrests and searches in Vaukavysk

The apartment of Mikalai Aksamit, former member of the Supreme Soviet of the 12th Convocation, member of the Belarusian Popular Front Party, was searched.

Young activist Khvedaruk goes to jail

29.01.2009 Young activist Khvedaruk goes to jail

On 28 January Zmitser Kvedaruk, activist of the Young Front youth organization, was sentenced to 10 days of imprisonment for participating in the Belarus to Europe action on 1 May 2008. As we reported before, on the same day he was detained by the police and escorted to the local military enlistment and registration office where the activist was informed that he would be called up on 29 January. However, the police took him to Minsk Pershamaiski Borough Police Department where Khvedaruk was told he would have to serve 10 days of imprisonment he failed to serve after the 1 May 2008 action. After that he was taken to the City Detention Center in Akrestsin street.

08.01.2009 New Year’s Eve: police arrest activist of ‘European Belarus’

Marta Maiseyenka, activist of the civil campaign European Belarus, was to have trial in the Tsentralny district court of Minsk on 31 December. The girl was detained in the night of 30 December and was kept at the police station till morning, RFE/RL reports.

17.12.2008 Arrests for national flag in front of regional executive committee

Yesterday, on the Day of Solidarity, Vitebsk activists of the civil campaign “European Belarus” flew white-red-white flags in front of the building of the regional executive committee.

20.11.2008 Oppositionist told that guards humiliate women in detention facilities

The chairman of the Brest city branch of the Belarusian Social Democratic party (Hramada) Ana Kanyus has lodged a complaint against the head of the police department of Leninski district of Brest for conditions of her incarceration conditions of the temporary detention facility of that police department.

05.11.2008 Babruisk: court fines Ales Chyhir twice

On 4 November Babruisk town court sentenced Ales Chyhir to pay 900 000 rubles for repairing the car which he had already damaged during an argument with a taxi driver. However, the judge turned down the driver’s lawsuit for compensation of moral damages.

01.10.2008 Salihorsk: Young Front activists are punished for anti-war picket

The commission on affairs of minors warned Illia Shyla, a 16-year old participant of a picket against the Russian intervention in Georgia, which had been held near the Russian Embassy on 11 August.

01.10.2008 Alexander Chyhir starts serving arrest

On 1 October a public activist from Babruisk Ales Chyhir starts serving his 10-days’ arrest. He has been sentenced to this punishment within the frames of a criminal case that had been brought against him after an incident with a taxi driver. On 29 May the driver was driving Alexander, his wife and daughter home. The driver refused to issue a receipt to Chyhir and drove the passenger to the police station instead. There Mr. Chyhir was charged with threats to the driver, damage of the car and insubordination to the police. Though beaten by the police, Chyhir was found guilty and sentenced to ten days of jail. Despite the fact that the case was considered in summer, the politician is imprisoned only now.

25.09.2008 Andrei Tsianiuta arrested for 7 days

Chyhunachny court of Homel considered the administrative charges against youth activist Andrei Tsianiuta and sentenced him to 7 days of arrest and a fine of 700, 000 BYR (about 350 USD). This way the Young Front member was punished for holding an action on the Day of the City.

Tsianiuta unfolded the white-red-white flag during the official ceremony near the Ice Palace.

16.09.2008 M. Ilyin and Ya. Skrabets arrested for 5 days

The guys were writing “Boycott” slogans on Brest streets. The police kept them in custody until lunch and then drew up a report for disorderly conduct. According to the official charges, yauhen and Mikhas were using foul language. The court punished the guys by 5 days of arrest.

08.09.2008 Liberalization in Lukashenka’s way

The authorities continue using mean methods of pressing the political opposition. If earlier democratic activists were arrested on false accusations of allegedly ‘using of foul language in public’, the article ‘drinking alcohol in public’ has been used for the first time against a Young Front activist Vadzim Khaniauka.

14.08.2008 Mahiliou oblast court leaves in force verdict to Ales Chyhir

Mahiliou oblast court left unchanged the ruling of Babryisk town court towards the political activist Ales Chyhir. Judge of Mahiliou oblast court Mikalai Hladki read only the verdict and offered no explanations.

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