News on the topic: arrest

01.02.2012 Aleh Volchak “Russian citizens went on hunger-strike in detention center”

The human rights activist reports about lots of illegal migrants in the detention center in Akrestsin Street and two Russians, who went on hunger strike.

OMCT condemns arrest of human rights defender Aleh Volchak

31.01.2012 OMCT condemns arrest of human rights defender Aleh Volchak

We present to your attention the full text of the appropriate document.

Minsk: journalist imprisoned for elucidation of picket near KGB goes on hunger-strike

09.01.2012 Minsk: journalist imprisoned for elucidation of picket near KGB goes on hunger-strike

On 8 January guards of the Minsk KGB office detained an activist of the “European Belarus”, Mikita Kavalenka, and journalist Aliaksandr Barazenka. The action lasted for about a minute: Kavalenka unfurled white-red-white flags and portraits of political prisoners, while Barazenka shot it on video.

Yan Melnikau sentenced to 15 days of arrest

06.01.2012 Yan Melnikau sentenced to 15 days of arrest

On 5 January Yan Melnikau was detained y the police in Minsk after posting several stickers “No Fear!”. The Leninski District Court sentenced him to 15 days of arrest under Articles 17.1 and 21.14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, “disorderly conduct” and “violation of the urban maintenance rules”.

Brest Region Court turns down appeal of BCD activists

06.01.2012 Brest Region Court turns down appeal of BCD activists

On 6 January the Brest Region Court turned down the appeal of two activists of the steering committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party, Zmitser Shurkhai and Ales Charkashyn, unlawfully arrested for five days on charges in using obscene language in public.

04.01.2012 Pavel Vinahradau sentenced to 7 days of arrest

Judge of the Maskouski District Court Aliaksandr Kostrykau found former political prisoner, activist of the civil campaign “Tell The Truth!” Pavel Vinahradau guilty of committing an administrative offence under Article 17.1 of the Administrative Code of Belarus, BelaPAN news agency reports.

04.01.2012 Vitsebsk: prison administration refuses to accept water for hungering activist

Siarhei Kavalenka, a member of the Conservative-Christian Party “Belarusian Popular Front”, has been on a hunger-strike of protest for the 16th day already. This is how he protests against the ungrounded, in his opinion, accusation of avoidance from serving punishment. According to Alena Kavalenka, they once again rejected drinking water for her husband. She thinks that this is a torture with regard to a person who is on a hunger strike and has many chronic diseases.

Brest: Viktar Chaikouski appeals against unlawful arrest

04.01.2012 Brest: Viktar Chaikouski appeals against unlawful arrest

Viktar Chaikouski, deputy chairperson of the national public association “Perspective”, filed an appeal with the Brest Region Court.

04.01.2012 Vitsebsk: Taras Surhan receives double penalty

On 31 December 2011 the activist of the “European Belarus” Taras Surhan was summonsed to the Chyhunachny District Police Department of Vitsebsk, allegedly for a “prophylactic talk”. However, he had hardly managed to leave the police station when he was detained by riot police and returned there.

Homel oppositionists appeal against unlawful arrest

03.01.2012 Homel oppositionists appeal against unlawful arrest

Uladzimir Katsora and Uladzimir Niapomniashchykh addressed the Tsentrany District Court of Mahiliou with an appeal against the unlawful arrest.

Opposition activist is expelled from college again

03.01.2012 Opposition activist is expelled from college again

While Maladechna resident Pavel Siarhei was serving his arrest for participation in the peaceful street action of 19 December 2011, a letter about his expulsion from Maladechna State Polytechnic College because of “truancy” was sent to his home.

Youth activists are tried at Minsk courts

02.01.2012 Youth activists are tried at Minsk courts

Trials of youth activists continued at the Maskouski District Court of Minsk despite the New Year Holidays.

Activists detained ahead of New Year’s Day

31.12.2011 Activists detained ahead of New Year’s Day

On 30-31 December, Belarusian police have detained a number of opposition activists to prevent them from staging protests scheduled for New Year’s night.

Youth activist Krechka detained and tried over disorderly conduct

29.12.2011 Youth activist Krechka detained and tried over disorderly conduct

Youth opposition activist Andrus Krechka was detained by Minsk police at about 11.30 this morning, say his friends quoting a message received from the activist.

Aftermath of People's Assemblies: Homel activists appeal against fines and arrests

01.12.2011 Aftermath of People's Assemblies: Homel activists appeal against fines and arrests

On 30 November Valery Sliapukhin, a coordinator of the civil campaign “Tell the Truth!” filed an appeal with the Supreme Court. The activists disagrees with the rulings of the Chyhunachny District Court of Homel (according to which he was sentenced to a fine of 1,4 mln Belarusian rubles for “violation of the rules of conduct of mass events”) and the Homel Regional Court (which upheld the previous verdict).

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