News on the topic: torture

Siarhei Parsiukevich Confronted to ‘Police Victim’

11.03.2008 Siarhei Parsiukevich Confronted to ‘Police Victim’

Yesterday the activist of entrepreneurs’ movement Siarhei Parsiukevich was visited by his lawyer Vera Stramkouskaya.

07.03.2008 Siarhei Parsiukevich Left in Jail

The leader of Vitsebsk individual entrepreneurs Siarhei Parsiukevich is to stay in the pre-trial prison in Valadarski Street, Minsk. The decision to uphold the measure of restraint, arrest, has been taken by the prosecutor’s office of Maskouski district of Minsk.

06.03.2008 Cost of Domestic Violence in Belarus

On 8 March the Belarusian women are given flowers and listen to congratulations, but during the rest of the year not all of them feel save even at home. What is the cost of the economic damage from domestic violence?

05.03.2008 Maksim Siarhiyets Arrested for Five Days

In the evening of 4 March, the official Police Day, Siarhiyets and two his friends were detained in a trolleybus for having posted a sticker inviting people to the meeting in honor of the Freedom Day, 25 March, when the Belarusian People’s Republic was declared. Maksim’s friends were soon let go, while he was left in custody till trial. During the interrogation the policemen insulted and beat the detainees.

30.01.2008 Police beat opposition youths in Salihorsk

Opposition youths are reported to have been beaten up by police in Salihorsk, Minsk region, on Wednesday over a demonstration staged in protest against increasing crackdown on individual entrepreneurs.

29.01.2008 Siarhei Parsiukevich beaten in Akrestsina jail

Yesterday Siarhei Parsiukevich, an entrepreneur from Vitebsk, was released from Minsk Akrestsina jail. Parsiukevich was arrested on January 10th. He says, last Monday he was beaten by a police officer. Forensim medical examination confirms, Parsiukevich has numerous bruises and injuries on his body. According to the victim, he also had marks of him being strangled, but they disappeared after a week.

Parsiukevich has asthma and a chronic stomach disease. He says he still did not apply to the law-enforcing bodies about his beating. He says he is too weak for that. The police officer who beat Parsiukevich accused the prisoner of attacking him. At that moment the prosecutor’s office is checking the facts.

On February 4th Parsiukevich is to come to Minsk to another conversation with the investigators.

18.01.2008 Riot police beat young people in court

Zmitser Fedaruk was beaten brutally when detained in Centralny court of Minsk. He left the court of the Central district together with other visitors. Yesterday the youth activists detained on 16 January, the Solidarity Day, were tried there. When leaving the court, Fedaruk was knocked down by seven police officers and thrown into a police car. He struck his head against the floor of the car, but his legs were outside, and then the policemen began to shove him into the car

14.01.2008 Details of Beatings after Entrepreneurs’ Actions

All arrested participants of the protest rally against the economic policy of the government towards small business in Belarus held on January 10 in Minsk have been taken to Akrestsin Street prison.

14.01.2008 EU Condemns Arrests of Protesters

The Council of the European Union condemns the crackdown on the entrepreneurs’ demonstration, arrests and using force towards the protesters. Christina Gallach, spokeswoman of the EU High Commissioner for Foreign Policy and Security, said it. ‘We condemn arrests and sentences to the people detained. We regard each of them as politically motivated one,’ the spokeswoman said.

11.01.2008 List of Persons Detained at Meeting of Entrepreneurs in Minsk


11.01.2008 Details of 10 December Anatol Liabedzka’s Arrest

The leader of the United Civil Party Anatol Liabedzka was detained after the protest of market vendors. The arrest took place in a bus. At the bus stop near the Central Post office Anatol and 5 more protesters entered the bus. Riot policemen in black followed them instantly.

11.01.2008 Police Beat Protesters

Vera Stramkouskaya, lawyer of the detained on 10 January participants of the entrepreneurs’ action, demanded to call an emergency ambulance to Tsentralny district court of Minsk. 5 activists were guarded to the court, all of them have injuries.

09.01.2008 Policemen Who Beat up Khedaruk Are Still Unpunished

Zmitser Fedaruk, a Young Front activist, who had been cruelly beaten up by riot policemen during the protest rally ‘For independent Belarus!’ held during Putin’s visit, has received an answer to the complaint to the prosecutor’s office.

17.12.2007 Zmitser Fedaruk Files Complaint to Prosecutor’s Office

Today Zmitser Fedaruk filed a compolaint to Centralny prosecutor’s office of Minsk with the request to examine the case and start legal proceedings against OMON officers, whose illegal actions led to his physical injuries. 


14.12.2007 Zmitser Khvedaruk: ‘They Hit Me in the Head with Knuckledusters’

Zmitser Khvedaruk feels a little better: he has a clear sight and speaks, can move his arms and legs, but still cannot stand and walk. ‘Today I was taken for an X-ray on a wheelchair’, said Zmitser, ‘I cannot even stand up because of acute headaches’.

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