News on the topic: torture

Human rights defenders think the accused of "high treason", Andrei Haidukou, may be tortured

07.01.2013 Human rights defenders think the accused of "high treason", Andrei Haidukou, may be tortured

Such suspicion arises from the repeated non-admission of the counsel to the pre-trial prison of the KGB, where the Navapolatsk democratic activist Andrei Haidukou is currently kept. Human rights defenders submitted an appropriate complaint to the UN Special Rapporteur on this occasion.

Maya Abromchyk: "I will use all legal methods to get the justice"

02.01.2013 Maya Abromchyk: "I will use all legal methods to get the justice"

The complaint of the student Maya Abromchyk who had suffered from the violent actions of the riot police during the dispersal of the peaceful protest action on Nezalezhsnats Square in Minsk in the aftermath of the presidential election of 19 December 2010, was registered by the UN Human Rights Committee.

Brest: trial of Vital Koush postponed to 27 December

12.12.2012 Brest: trial of Vital Koush postponed to 27 December

The civil activist who is charged of "assistance to illegal emigration", asked to be given some time to study his case. The judge of the Brest District Court Mikalai Senka granted the petition and appointed the trial on 27 December.

Supreme Court turns down appeal of Belarusian Christian Democracy activist

10.12.2012 Supreme Court turns down appeal of Belarusian Christian Democracy activist

The Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus did not satisfy the appeal of a BCD activist Volha Pansevich against the fine of 2.5 million rubles, to which she had been sentenced on 12 June 2012 by the judge of the Slonim District Court Ivan Lastouski for alleged “insubordination to police” and “use of obscene language in public”.

07.12.2012 Ten years in prison for confession under torture

Pavel Plaksa from Minsk was sentenced to 10 years in a medium security penal colony.

30.11.2012 Police terrorize beaten watchman

Vasil Sarochyk, who recently said about beating in the Leninski District Police Department, has faced pressure from police.

Belarusian border gurads tortured Indian migrants to obtain false testimonies against civil activist Vital Koush

15.10.2012 Belarusian border gurads tortured Indian migrants to obtain false testimonies against civil activist Vital Koush

On 4 September the civil activist from Brest Vital Koush received charges under Article 371-1, part 2 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus – organization of unlawful migration, which envisages up to 7 years of imprisonment.

08.10.2012 Minsk police: violence was used towards picketers, not towards photographer Hryts

The photo correspondent for Associated Press Siarhei Hryts was denied in bringing a criminal case on the fact of the beating.

Minsk police detain youth activists and journalists

18.09.2012 Minsk police detain youth activists and journalists

Four activists of the Zmena youth wing of the Tell the Truth campaign have been detained this afternoon in Minsk.

Alena Dubovik demands compensation for moral damage resulting from prison conditions

14.08.2012 Alena Dubovik demands compensation for moral damage resulting from prison conditions

Alena Dubovik, detained together with friends during a concert held on 24 March at the Culture House of the Minsk Tractor Plant, sued the main police department of the Minsk City Executive Committee for compensating the moral damage incurred as a result of her stay in the detention facility in Akrestsin Street in Minsk.

14.08.2012 Political prisoner Frantskevich forced to apply for pardon

Tatsiana Frantskevich, the mother of political prisoner Aliaksandr Frantskevich, and a lawyer visited the “Vouchyia Nory” penal colony. The mother of the political prisoner told Aliaksandr Frantskevich, who had a kidney removed after an accident, was thrown into a punishment cell for refusal to fulfill insulting demands of the prison authorities.

Minsk: those who assaulted canvasseur don't live in that constituency

13.08.2012 Minsk: those who assaulted canvasseur don't live in that constituency

On 11 August three men assaulted Aliaksandr Marchanka, a member of the electoral team of the leader of the Movement “For Freedom” Aliaksandr Milinkevich. That day Marchanka collected signatures in the underground pedestrian crossing on the metro station “Uruchcha”.

Minsk Region Court turns down appeal of beaten Maladechna citizen

10.08.2012 Minsk Region Court turns down appeal of beaten Maladechna citizen

On 10 August the Maladechna Region Court turned down the appeal of the Maladechna citizen Alesia Sadouskaya against violations in the police report concerning the violation which had been allegedly committed by her in the beginning of the year.

20.07.2012 Urgent: UN informed about torture of political prisoners

Urgent appeals on torture of Statkevich and Dashkevich have been sent to the United Nations.

Appeals asking to investigate the facts of inhuman treatment of political prisoners Mikalai Statkevich and Zmitser Dashkevich were sent to the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture.

Investigative Committee covers up police torture?

20.07.2012 Investigative Committee covers up police torture?

The Investigative Committee of Belarus has refused to initiate prosecution of a number of Minsk policemen who reportedly tortured Pavel Plaksa detained on suspicion of a theft on May 30, 2012. Meanwhile, Pavel Plaksa is still in custody at Zhodzina pre-trial prison.

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