News on the topic: EU-Belarus

10.06.2010 Belarus is denied EU trade preferences again

Implementation of recommendations of the International Labor Organization (ILO) on securing freedom of trade unions in Belarus was discussed at the Labor Conference in Geneva on 9 June.

European Parliament calls on Belarus to “stop immediately all repression”

20.05.2010 European Parliament calls on Belarus to “stop immediately all repression”

Jerzy Buzek expresses his serious concern about “the recent worsening of the human rights situation in Belarus”.

President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek called on the Belarusian authorities on May 19 to “stop immediately all repression and intimidation of civil society groups and to get back on the way to democratization”.

European Union considers Autukhovich’s case as politically motivated

11.05.2010 European Union considers Autukhovich’s case as politically motivated

On 10 May, the UK Embassy, representing the country holding EU presidency, issued a statement concerning the legal proceedings in the case of Mikalai Autukhovich, Uladzimir Asipenka, and Mikhail Kazlou.

EU voices concern over local elections

28.04.2010 EU voices concern over local elections

The European Union is concerned about "several vulnerabilities" in the implementation of electoral regulations in Belarus' April 20-25 local elections, said a statement issued by the Minsk-based British embassy on behalf of the European Union's Spanish presidency, as quoted by BelaPAN.

14.03.2010 European Parliament resolution on the situation of civil society and national minorities in Belarus


European Union condemns decree on Internet censorship in Belarus

04.02.2010 European Union condemns decree on Internet censorship in Belarus

The European Union thinks the decree puts more restrictions on freedom of speech in Belarus.

Lutz Guellner, a spokesman for European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, commented on the decree regulating activity of websites in Belarus, Radio Svaboda reports.

European Parliament notes lack of democratic progress in Belarus

17.12.2009 European Parliament notes lack of democratic progress in Belarus

The European Parliament on Thursday voted to adopt a resolution on the situation in Belarus, which notes that the country's authorities have failed to make significant progress in the sphere of human rights and freedoms "after initial positive steps."

President of European Parliament condemns abductions in Belarus

08.12.2009 President of European Parliament condemns abductions in Belarus

Repressions against opposition put in question the relations of the European Union with the official Minsk.

President of European Parliament: “It’s last chance for Lukashenka”

18.11.2009 President of European Parliament: “It’s last chance for Lukashenka”

“If we see no concrete progress on the way to democratization, then the process of the EU rapprochement with Belarus should be stopped,” Jerzy Buzek stated.

In this way the president of the European Parliament commented on the decision of the Council of Europe to extend visa sanctions against Belarusian officials till October 2010 and at the same time “freeze” them.

“It must be the last chance for Lukashenka’s regime,” Jerzy Buzek is quoted by the Polish Radio as saying.

Earlier the president of the European Parliament stated that “the progress in Belarus is really very little, and we are highly concerned that there is no pronounced democratization”.

EU to extend freeze on sanctions against Belarusian officials

17.11.2009 EU to extend freeze on sanctions against Belarusian officials

The European Union is expected to prolong the freeze on its sanctions against Alyaksandr Lukashenka and other Belarusian officials next week but not lift the threat entirely due to a lack of progress on political reform, reported Reuters with reference to a draft statement seen on Thursday, BelaPAN said.

In October 2008, the European Union suspended for six months its travel ban against Alyaksandr Lukashenka and 35 other Belarusian officials. The suspension of the sanctions was extended for another nine months this past March to encourage the Belarusian government to carry out "further concrete measures towards democracy and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms."

The draft statement due to be approved by the EU foreign ministers during their meeting in Brussels next Monday and Tuesday said that the suspension would be extended until October 2010 to encourage further changes, according to the report.

Lithuanian MP Emmanuelis Zingeris not allowed in Belarus

16.11.2009 Lithuanian MP Emmanuelis Zingeris not allowed in Belarus

The member of the Lithuanian Parliament Emmanuelis Zingeris was denied the Belarusian visa. He was to have come to Belarus to read the greeting message on behalf of the head of the Lithuanian Parliament Irena Degutiene, the BNS informs.

Andrei Pachobut: ‘The authorities use the police and the KGB to make people refuse from membership in the Union of Poles. They are testing the reaction of the West.’

06.11.2009 Andrei Pachobut: ‘The authorities use the police and the KGB to make people refuse from membership in the Union of Poles. They are testing the reaction of the West.’

In November the EU will consider the issue on re-imposing the sanctions against the Belarusian authorities. One of the conditions put to the official Minsk by the international community is securing the rights and freedoms of the Belarusian citizens belonging to national minorities. This condition was introduced on the initiative of Poland and is a result of the complicated situation around the Union of Poles in Belarus, headed by Anzhalika Borys.

Swedish MPs join ‘Stop 193-1!’ campaign

22.10.2009 Swedish MPs join ‘Stop 193-1!’ campaign

A number of members of the National Parliament of Sweden (Representative of the Swedish Christian Democracy Annelie Enochson, as well as two Liberal People’s Party MPs Cecilia Wigström and Birgitta Ohlsson), which currently holds the EU Presidency, have joined the ‘Stop 193-1!’ campaign, by addressing the Belarusian authorities with a statement demanding to abolish the application of the shameful Article ahead of imposing sanctions against several Belarusian high-rank officials. By doing this, the Riksdag deputies have shown that they possess full and unbiased information on the actual situation in the sphere of the freedom of association in Belarus.

Jean-Eric Holzapfel hopes Belarus declares moratorium on death penalty

21.10.2009 Jean-Eric Holzapfel hopes Belarus declares moratorium on death penalty

The declaration of a moratorium on the death penalty is the key point for further development of EU-Belarus dialogue, said Jean-Eric Holzapfel, European Commission representative in Belarus, in his interview with the European Radio for Belarus during a round table discussion, concluding the international technical support project ‘Promotion of wider use of international human rights standards in the administration of justice in the Republic of Belarus.’ ‘This issue should be addressed by respective authorities in Belarus. But I can say that the declaration of a moratorium on the death penalty is the most important element for the development of relations between Belarus and the Council of Europe. It is one of the points laid in the 2006 document – the so called 12 points’, said Mr. Holzapfel.

08.10.2009 Statkevich summonsed to own security department of MIA

On 6 October the coordinator of the European coalition Mikalai Statkevich was summonsed to the security bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The politician believes he was not the only person to be summonsed there, as the case of the beating of the participants of the 16 September action in Minsk is being investigated. However, he is convinced the police hold the investigation not to restore the justice. ‘It is done for Europe, with the hope that the sanctions will be lifted, after which they would be able to do such things with complete impunity’, commented Statkevich.

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