News on the topic: criminal prosecution

Alternative civilian service: criminal persecution instead of law

19.02.2010 Alternative civilian service: criminal persecution instead of law

Despite the fact that drafting of the law on alternative service has been initiated by President Lukashenka, officers of military enlistment offices continue the drafting of the people whom they consider as evading from military service.

Aleh Surhan sentenced to six months of arrest

19.02.2010 Aleh Surhan sentenced to six months of arrest

On 19 February, the Kastrychnitski district court in Vitsebsk sentenced Aleh Surhan, 47, to six month of arrest and obliged him to pay 2.5 million rubles as compensation to the alleged victim, policeman Siarhei Dudkevich. The arrest term is calculated from 27 January, the day when Surhan was detained.

’Young Front’ activist is threatened with criminal case for evasion from military service

19.02.2010 ’Young Front’ activist is threatened with criminal case for evasion from military service

Piatro Ruzau, activist of the Baranavichy branch of the Young Front who studies on Kastus Kalinouski educational program in Poland, is threatened with instigation of a criminal case for evasion from military service.

Brest: Ivan Stasiuk is issued a warning for activity on behalf of unregistered organization

11.02.2010 Brest: Ivan Stasiuk is issued a warning for activity on behalf of unregistered organization

Ivan Stasiuk, a member of the international youth organization Young Front registered in Czech, was issued an official warning for activities on behalf of unregistered organization. The activist was summoned to the Brest oblast procuracy for 9 a.m. on 11 February, and was required to give explanations.

08.02.2010 Brest Young Front activist charged with hooliganism

Brest Young Front member Ivan Stasiuk is faces prosecution under Article 339.1 (hooliganism) of the Belarusian Criminal Code. The activist had been initially summoned by the police to testify in a criminal case over a street fight in downtown Brest on 23 January. However, he was later officially declared suspect in the case and imprisoned.

Siarhei Kavalenka’s case reaches General Prosecutor

04.02.2010 Siarhei Kavalenka’s case reaches General Prosecutor

The criminal case of Vitsebsk Conservative Christian Party BPF member Siarhei Kavalenka reached General Prosecutor’s Office, after over a week of uncertainty about the investigation, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty reports, quoting the activist’s legal counsel Piotr Kavalenka.

01.02.2010 Tiral of entrepreneur Andrei Bandarenka to continue on 3 February

On1 February the Pershamaiski District Court in Minsk started the retrial of the criminal case over entrepreneur Andrei Bandarenka.

  Autukhovich and Asipenka’s period of detention extended

28.01.2010 Autukhovich and Asipenka’s period of detention extended

Period of detention for Vaukavysk businessmen extended till February 28.

It was said by Uladzimir Asipenka’s daughter, Liudmila Asipenka, who received a letter from her father in the beginning of the week.

Article 193-1 meets law, says Prosecutor General

20.01.2010 Article 193-1 meets law, says Prosecutor General

Article 193-1 does not run counter to the Belarusian legislative and Constitutional standards, said Prosecutor General Ryhor Vasilevich during a press-conference on 20 January. ‘I do not think that it pointedly stands out of the legal framework,’ said the official.

Belarusian MPs not willing to tackle Article 193-1 issue, waiting for outer initiative

18.01.2010 Belarusian MPs not willing to tackle Article 193-1 issue, waiting for outer initiative

Deputies of the House of Representatives are not going to consider the issue of decriminalizing Article 193-1 of the Criminal Code, say participants of the 22 December New Year happening quoting Mr. Viktar Huminski, head of the House of Representatives’ Standing Commission for National Security.

15.01.2010 Parole granted to Ales Charnyshou, figurant of ‘Process of 14’

Ales Charnyshou, a figurant of the ‘Process of 14’, instigated against participants of a peaceful rally of entrepreneurs in January 2008, was amnestied.

Vitsebsk: Siarhei Kavalenka released from pre-trial prison

13.01.2010 Vitsebsk: Siarhei Kavalenka released from pre-trial prison

Yesterday evening Siarhei Kavalenka, activist of the Conservative Christian Party Belarusian Popular Front arrested for hanging out a white-red-white flag on the main New Year Tree in Vitsebsk, was released from the pre-trial prison. He says that it was a surprise to him, as last Saturday the prosecutor’s office issued a ruling on keeping him in custody for two months.

Human Rights Center Viasna demands that criminal case against Ivan Mikhailau be dropped

12.01.2010 Human Rights Center Viasna demands that criminal case against Ivan Mikhailau be dropped

The civil right to alternative service ensues from Article 57 of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus. This article provides that the defense of the Republic of Belarus is a sacred duty of a Belarusian citizen. The order of the military service, the reasons and the conditions of its replacement with alternative service are determined by the law.

Kavalenka’s relatives are worried about his health

12.01.2010 Kavalenka’s relatives are worried about his health

Siarhei Kavalenka’s mother Lidziya Kavalenka works as a street sweeper. She was in Peramohi Square in Vitsebsk when the white-red-white flag appeared on the tree. As RFE/RL informs, the woman is greatly worried that police would beat and humiliate her son.

Vitsebsk: criminal case brought against Siarhei Kavalenka

11.01.2010 Vitsebsk: criminal case brought against Siarhei Kavalenka

As BelaPAN learned from Pavel Seviarynets, co-head of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party, Siarhei Kavalenka, activist of the Conservative Christian Party BPF accused of hanging out a national white-red-white flag on a New Year’s tree, has been transferred to a detention facility for two months on order of the prosecutor of Vitebsk.

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