News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

12.09.2008 First application for holding action of protest against rigged elections on 28 September

On 12 September an application for authorization of a protest meeting for 1 000 people on 28 September in Kalinouski Square was submitted to Minsk city executive committee.

08.09.2008 Baranavichy: two applications for pickets

Citizens of Baranavichy have submitted to Baranavichy city executive committee two applications requiring permission to hold pickets in connection with injustice during the electoral campaign. The people want to protest against non-registration of a writer, ambulance doctor, member of the Party of Communists Belarusian Alexander Halkevich, who intended to run for parliament at Baranavichy-Eastern electoral constituency #6.

08.09.2008 Orsha: police confiscate white-red-white flags at celebration of Military Glory Day

On 8 September Belarus celebrates one of its most important and legendary holidays, the Day of Belarusian Military Glory.

04.09.2008 ‘Case of 14’: personal restraint or home arrest?

This year 14 persons were accused of organization of mass riot at the protest action of entrepreneurs which was held on 21 January. One of them, Andrei Kim, was also accused of threatening with violence to a policeman and was sentenced to 1,5 years of jail. Two more, Anton Koipish and Uladzimir Siarheyeu, were punished with fines. One person remains abroad and therefore still has not received any punishment. The rest of the 14 were sentenced to different terms of personal restraint.

04.09.2008 Anatol Liabedzka’s apartment is seized for non-payment of fine for European March

On 3 September the leader of the United Civil Party Anatol Liabedzka received a notice saying the court of the Tsentralny district of Minsk seized his apartment, allegedly for his failure to pay penalty for participation in organizing the European March mass action which had was held in Minsk on 14 October 2007.

04.09.2008 Brest: pickets in memory of missing politicians are banned

On 3 September the court of Leninski district of Brest dismissed the complaint of Andrei Sharenda and Vital Symonik against a prohibition to hold a picket on 7 July, dedicated to the 8th anniversary of Dzmitry Zavadski’s abduction.

03.09.2008 Mahiliou: police draw violation report on wheel-chair disabled

On 2 September in Mahiliou the wheel-chair disabled Uladzimir Vusikau picketed the city executive committee. He demanded that he was restored in the line for getting an apartment as a disabled and compensated the cost of the sanatorium voucher.

02.09.2008 Brest: Raman Kisliak asks permission for picket dedicated to disappearance of Hanchar and Krasouski

The human rights activist Raman Kisliak has addressed Brest city executive committee to obtain permission for holding a picked dedicated to an anniversary of the disappearance of Viktar Hanchar and Anatol Krasouski. He intends to hold the picket on 16 September.

02.09.2008 BPF Youth protest against education reform

On 1 September activists of the youth organization of the Belarusian Popular Front party held a protest rally against school reform.

15.08.2008 Human rights activist R.Kisliak complains to general procuracy about violation of his right to receive information

The human rights activist from Brest Raman Kisliak has complained to the general procuracy of Belarus about violation of his right to receive information about the picket against war with Georgia which had taken place near the Russian Embassy in Minsk on 13 August.

13.08.2008 Harassment of civil activists for action of solidarity with Georgia is going on

An enquiry has been made by a prosecutor in the case of a member of Salihorsk branch of the Young Front Illia Shyla.

12.08.2008 Mauliuda Atakulava sentenced to 10 days of jail for action of solidarity with Georgia

Liudmila Atakulava, a Young Front activist, has been sentenced to 10 days of administrative arrest for participation in a rally near the Russian Embassy on 11 August. The verdict has been passed by the court of Tsentralny district in Minsk.

11.08.2008 Minsk: action of solidarity with Georgia

On 10 August a rally of solidarity with the Georgian took place in Minsk near the Georgian Embassy.

04.08.2008 Orsha entrepreneurs protest

About 400 persons gathered near the building of the city executive committee in Orsha before arrival of high officials from Minsk.

15.07.2008 Ales Krauchenia is fired from Baranavichy State University

A week ago the administration of Baranavichy State University issued the order for expulsion of the student Ales Krauchenia from the fifth year of the faculty of engineering. On 14 July the activist had to take his documents away from the university.

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