News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

Human rights defenders pass petition to authorities

10.12.2009 Human rights defenders pass petition to authorities

On the International Human Rights Day representatives of the Belarusian human rights community passed to the Presidential Administration a petition calling to abolish the death penalty as a kind of punishment that contradicts to the right to life guaranteed by the Constitution and international human rights treaties.

Human rights defenders congratulate Minsk citizens on Human Rights Day

10.12.2009 Human rights defenders congratulate Minsk citizens on Human Rights Day

On 10 December in Minsk civil activists and representatives of different human rights organizations congratulated the people on the International Human Rights Day.

Celebration of Human Rights Day is virtually banned by Belarusian authorities

10.12.2009 Celebration of Human Rights Day is virtually banned by Belarusian authorities

Human rights are prohibited to hold pickets or any other actions on the World Day of Human Rights, 10 December.

Hrodna: another human rights picket banned

09.12.2009 Hrodna: another human rights picket banned

On 9 December the human rights defender Viktar Sazonau applied to Hrodna city executive committee as he didn’t receive an answer to his application for picket within the legal terms.

Why do authorities fear pickets on anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

08.12.2009 Why do authorities fear pickets on anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

These days Belarusian human rights defenders have received about ten denials in authorization of the pickets they intended to hold for marking the 61st anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

08.12.2009 Minsk: Anarchists attack ‘Shangri La’ casino

Last weekend a group of Minsk anarchists attacked the VIP-casino in Kirov Street.

Minsk: trade union picket in Banhalor square banned

07.12.2009 Minsk: trade union picket in Banhalor square banned

Minsk city executive committee turned down the application of the trade union of radio electronic industry (REI) for authorizing a picket in Banhalor Square on 10 December, said the REI activist Mikalai Herasimenka.

Zhodzina: picket for protection of right to learn in mother-tongue

07.12.2009 Zhodzina: picket for protection of right to learn in mother-tongue

Zhodzina human rights defenders Aliaksei and Sviatlana Lapitskis applied to the local executive committee for authorization of a picket dated to the 61st anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. However, they have little hope that their action will be permitted.

Homel: authorities ban human rights picket

07.12.2009 Homel: authorities ban human rights picket

Homel human rights defender Leanid Sudalenka and member of the BPF Party Anatol Paplauny have applied to Homel city executive committee for the authorization of the picket dated to the 61st anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

04.12.2009 Biaroza authoritites ban human rights picket

Biaroza district executive committee prohibited the civil activists Tamara Shchapiotkina and Siarhei Rusetski to hold a picket on 13 December.

04.12.2009 Nastassia Mashchava fined for taking photos of performance

The Young Belarus activist Nastassia Mashchava was fined 1 050 000 rubles by the Zavadski district court of Minsk.

Police spent 2 months ‘looking’ for results of check-up concerning violations of journalists’ rights

03.12.2009 Police spent 2 months ‘looking’ for results of check-up concerning violations of journalists’ rights

The police officers cannot find the results of the check-up of violations of journalists’ rights, held by the main police department of Minsk city executive committee, for two months already.

03.12.2009 Arrests for anti-Lukashenka performances

The young activists Pavel Prakapovich and Yahor Babrou were sentenced to 15 days of arrest, and Andrei Kuzminski to 7 days.

19.11.2009 Brest resident to appeal picket ban

Pavel Kazlou, a 73-year-old resident of Brest, has lodged a complaint with Brest Regional Court against the decision to ban a picket by Brest Leninski Court, the BelaPAN news agency reports. The activist’s aim was to attract public attention to the issue of ‘indifference of local officials while considering people’s applications’, as well as violations of the Law on Public Appeals. In 2008 Mr. Kazlou was deprived of a working license.

Homel Regional Court recalls fine to local activist

18.11.2009 Homel Regional Court recalls fine to local activist

Judge Vasil Biahun of Homel Regional Court has ruled to reverse a 700,000-rouble fine to Valery Rybchanka, local opposition Communist leader, his civil case being sent for reconsideration at Homel Chyhunachny Court. The activist was fined for mere intent to participate in a memorial picket on 19 October. Mr. Rybchanka claims he was not taking part in the demonstration at the moment he was arrested, since he was taking photos of it.

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