News on the topic: entrepreneurs

‘Bobruysky Kurier’ won’t be sold at postal offices

14.04.2009 ‘Bobruysky Kurier’ won’t be sold at postal offices

Babruisk city department of Belposhta (Belarusian Post) postal service enterprise broke the agreement with the non-state newspaper Bobruysky Kurier newspaper, as a result of which it won’t be sold at the local post offices any more.

Entrepreneurs of Polatsk refuse to pay taxes

08.04.2009 Entrepreneurs of Polatsk refuse to pay taxes

The vendors of the central market of Polatsk decided not to pay the money for development of the market athwart the demands of the market administration.

27.03.2009 Protest action of entrepreneurs in Mahilou: tax increase cancelled

The result of the today’s meeting of entrepreneurs was that the Mahilou region executive committee suspended operation of a regulation of the region council on single tax and value added tax increase.

About 300 entrepreneurs came in the morning to Lenin square in Mahiou near the building of the region executive committee protesting against tax increase, Radio Svaboda reports.

11.03.2009 Pastor of ‘New Life’ Church disproves information of Belarusian TV

The pastor of Minsk Church New Life, bishop of the religious association of Full Gospel Christians in the Republic of Belarus Viachaslau Hancharenka disproved the information that was publicized on 9 March by the Panorama program of the 1st channel of the Belarusian TV.

05.03.2009 Baranavichy: trial over picketer

Today in Baranavichy there took place the first sitting of the administrative case against Ryhor Hryk. The police accuse hum of organization of an unauthorized picket and distribution of non-state press.

26.02.2009 Barysau ideologist hinders sale of ‘Borisovskie Novosti’

Barysau ideologist Liudmila Harnak does not let the local entrepreneurs to sell the non-state regional newspaper Borisovskie Novisti.

25.02.2009 Arrested leaders of market vendors denied defence

Family members of the political prisoners Yury Lyavonau, Mikalay Autukhovich and Uladzimir Asipenka have been denied a right to act as defence lawyers of the arrested businessmen.

As the press-centre of the Charter’97 has been informed by the Belarusian lawyer Aleh Vouchak, investigator prohibited close relatives of the leaders of entrepreneurs represent their interests as lawyers.

“Alena Autukhovich, Yuliya Lyavonava and Liudmila Asipenka have addressed the investigator Kukharchyk in connection with the fact that false information started to appear in mass media about involvement of the arrested businessmen to some “armed organised grouping”. Some publications stated that during the search firearms and explosives were found in their flats. However, these objects haven’t been recorded in the documents,” the lawyer said.

As said by Aleh Vouchak, in connection with “the flow of lies and provocative information” families decided to act as defence of the arrested.

Homel: political prisoner Artsiom Dubski detained

13.02.2009 Homel: political prisoner Artsiom Dubski detained

Now the activist faces punishment under Article 415 of the Criminal Code (‘evasion from serving the penalty’). The matter is that last winter Artsiom has been sentenced to two years of personal restraint within the frames of the ‘case of 14’, for participation in a peaceful action of protest, staged by entrepreneurs.

13.02.2009 More political prisoners in Belarus?

Arrest of the leaders of entrepreneurs’ movement Mikalai Autukhovich, Yury Liavonau and Uladzimir Asipenka makes obvious the new wave of political repressions in Belarus. It has been stated by human rights activists, activists of the Belarusian opposition and former political prisoners at a press-conference held on 12 February in Minsk.

11.02.2009 Detained entrepreneurs are transferred to prison in Valadarski Street

The term of imprisonment of Uladzimir Asipenka, Mikalai Autukhovich and Yury Liavonau and has been extended for 7 days. Political prisoners have been transferred from the detention centre in Akrestsin Street to the remand prison in Valadarski Street.

09.02.2009 Arrests and searches in Vaukavysk

The apartment of Mikalai Aksamit, former member of the Supreme Soviet of the 12th Convocation, member of the Belarusian Popular Front Party, was searched.

09.02.2009 Arrests and searches in Vaukavysk

The apartment of Mikalai Aksamit, former member of the Supreme Soviet of the 12th Convocation, member of the Belarusian Popular Front Party, was searched.

02.02.2009 Minsk: authorities increase rent for entrepreneurs of “Manetka” shopping center

The administration of Minsk shopping center refused to prolong the rent agreement with an entrepreneur Halina Babitskaya. Babitskaya associates it with a recent article by Komsomolskaya Pravda v Belorussii.

16.01.2009 Mahiliou entrepreneurs to sue town authorities

Mahiliou Leninski borough court is due to try the case of ex-parliamentary candidate Ihar Kavalenka vs. Mahiliou town authorities. The plaintiff is trying to register an action group to hold a local referendum. Kavalenka claims he is representative of the group. On 30 December judge Tarasava obliged Kavalenka to secure appearance of all the members of the group.

12.01.2009 Baranavichy: entrepreneurs protest

On 12 December at 12 a.m. a protest of small entrepreneurs took place in Baranavichy in Lenin Square near the building of town executive committee. The people protested against the increase of taxes and payment for trade places.

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