News on the topic: UN

Belarus’ human rights record to be examined by Universal Periodic Review

31.10.2020 Belarus’ human rights record to be examined by Universal Periodic Review

Belarus’ human rights record will be examined by the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group for the third time on Monday, 2 November 2020 in a meeting that will be webcast live in English and Russian.

Establishing independent judicial system should top the agenda for future reforms, says UN expert

27.10.2020 Establishing independent judicial system should top the agenda for future reforms, says UN expert

The UN's human rights expert on Belarus called on the Government to promptly stop repressing its own people and establish an independent judicial system as a way to overcome the current political crisis in the country.

HRDs voice priority recommendations to Belarusian authorities within UPR procedure

14.10.2020 HRDs voice priority recommendations to Belarusian authorities within UPR procedure

On October 12, an online pre-session was held for UN Human Rights Council delegations as part of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) procedure. The session featured submissions from a number of Belarusian non-governmental human rights organizations.

UN human rights experts: Belarus must release opposition leader Maria Kalesnikava

25.09.2020 UN human rights experts: Belarus must release opposition leader Maria Kalesnikava

UN human rights experts today called on Belarus to release prominent opposition leader Maria Kalesnikava, and to bring to justice those responsible for her enforced disappearance.

Human Rights Council adopts resolution on situation of human rights in Belarus

19.09.2020 Human Rights Council adopts resolution on situation of human rights in Belarus

UN HRC Calls Upon the Belarusian Authorities to Enter into a Dialogue with the Political Opposition

Human Rights Council holds urgent debate on the situation of human rights in Belarus

18.09.2020 Human Rights Council holds urgent debate on the situation of human rights in Belarus

The Human Rights Council this morning held an urgent debate on the situation of human rights in Belarus.

Amnesty International: UN Human Rights Council must take strong action on escalating human rights crisis in the country

18.09.2020 Amnesty International: UN Human Rights Council must take strong action on escalating human rights crisis in the country

In response to the escalating human rights crisis in Belarus, Amnesty International will address the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) on 18 September and demand that it takes strong and decisive action to investigate the ongoing repression of post-election protests in the country and hold perpetrators of mass violations to account.

Human rights activists insist mass torture in Belarus is crime against humanity

16.09.2020 Human rights activists insist mass torture in Belarus is crime against humanity

On September 16, FIDH Vice President and Deputy Chairman of the Human Rights Center "Viasna" Valiantsin Stefanovic took part in an online press conference entitled “Belarus: Torture as a Targeted State Policy” and organized by the World Organization Against Torture (OMCT) and the Human Rights Center "Viasna". During the conference, several victims of torture were able to tell their stories.

HRW: OSCE, UN Human Rights Council Inquiries Needed in Belarus Torture Reports

15.09.2020 HRW: OSCE, UN Human Rights Council Inquiries Needed in Belarus Torture Reports

Belarusian security forces arbitrarily detained thousands of people and systematically subjected hundreds to torture and other ill- treatment in the days following the August 9, 2020 presidential election, Human Rights Watch said today.

UN Rights Council To Host Urgent Debate On Belarus Violence

14.09.2020 UN Rights Council To Host Urgent Debate On Belarus Violence

The UN Human Rights Council agreed Monday to host an urgent debate about the deteriorating rights situation in Belarus since protests erupted over Alexander Lukashenko's disputed re-election as president last month.

EU seeks urgent debate on Belarus at UN rights body

12.09.2020 EU seeks urgent debate on Belarus at UN rights body

“The ongoing deterioration of the human rights situation in Belarus in relation to the 2020 presidential election needs the urgent attention of the Human Rights Council,” Germany’s Ambassador to the United Nations Michael von Ungern-Sternberg wrote to the Geneva-based council.

UN chief deeply concerned over use of force against peaceful protesters in Belarus

12.09.2020 UN chief deeply concerned over use of force against peaceful protesters in Belarus

Secretary-General António Guterres on Friday expressed deep concern over the continued use of force against peaceful protestors in Belarus and detention of those exercising their legitimate democratic rights.

BHC alerts UN to Kalesnikava’s forced disappearance

08.09.2020 BHC alerts UN to Kalesnikava’s forced disappearance

The Belarusian Helsinki Committee has sent a message to the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances on the situation with the abduction of Maryia Kalesnikava, one of the leaders of the opposition Coordination Council.

"We acknowledge a deep crisis of human rights in Belarus"

05.09.2020 "We acknowledge a deep crisis of human rights in Belarus"

Statement by Valiantsin Stefanovic, vice-chairman of the Human Rights Center "Viasna", at a UN Security Council Arria-Formula Meeting on the Human Rights Situation in Belarus

47 victims complain to UN Committee against Torture

04.09.2020 47 victims complain to UN Committee against Torture

The Human Rights Center “Viasna” and the Belarusian Helsinki Committee have appealed to the UN Committee against Torture on behalf of 47 victims of police-related violence, urging the Committee to investigate the systematic use of torture in Belarus in early August 2020.

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