News on the topic: elections-2014

Hrodna: four participants of UCP picket punished with fines

13.02.2014 Hrodna: four participants of UCP picket punished with fines

February 12, four members of the United Civil Party were tried for taking part in an electoral picket in Orzeszkowa Street on February 7. As a result, Aliaksandr Vasilevich, Ezhy Hryhencha and Ruslan Kulevich were fined 15 basic units each. Iryna Davidovich, a member of the UCP from Iuye was fined 10 basic units. The court took into account that she was unemployed and had two minor children.

Pavel Levinau initiated two examinations at election commissions

13.02.2014 Pavel Levinau initiated two examinations at election commissions

The human rights activist applied to the prosecutor and the Investigative Committee with allegations of violations of the electoral legislation.

12.02.2014 Secretary co Central Election Commission reported the number of contenders nominated for the local elections

As reported to the European Radio for Belarus by the CEC Secretary Mikalai Lazavik, 22,784 contenders for councils of various levels were nominated at 18,816 precincts.

Brest region: half of contenders for local councils in are members of local councils

12.02.2014 Brest region: half of contenders for local councils in are members of local councils

All in all, 3,362 people filed documents for registration as contenders for the local councils in the Brest region. Most of them, 1,954 people, were nominated by collecting signatures of voters.

Hrodna: UCP members are summoned to police

12.02.2014 Hrodna: UCP members are summoned to police

Chair of the Hrodna city organization of the United Civil Party Aliaksandr Vasilevich and some other members of the organization were summoned to the police for February 12. They were informed that reports of administrative violation had been drawn up against them.

Homel region: election campaigning is allowed at stadiums and in parks

12.02.2014 Homel region: election campaigning is allowed at stadiums and in parks

Homel Regional Executive Committee must have decided that stadiums and parks are frequented by the electorate at winter. This follows from their regulations, according to which campaigning is allowed in such places.

Hrodna City Election Commission refuses to register Siarhei Verameyenka's candidacy

12.02.2014 Hrodna City Election Commission refuses to register Siarhei Verameyenka's candidacy

Hrodna City Election Commission, headed by Uladzimir Khliabich (pictured), refused to accept the documents for registration of an activist of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Siarhei Verameyenka, as a candidate to the Hrodna City Council.

Lidziya Yarmoshyna: “CEC doesn't give legal assessment to form of work of executive committees”

12.02.2014 Lidziya Yarmoshyna: “CEC doesn't give legal assessment to form of work of executive committees”

A resident of Biaroza Tamara Shchapiotkina appealed to the Central Election Commission to complain about the closeness of the procedure of decision-making at the Biaroza District Executive Committee, which manifested in the DEC's refusal to tell her whether she was included in the PEC No. 11.

Human rights activist, nominated by 15 groups of citizens, not included in a PEC

12.02.2014 Human rights activist, nominated by 15 groups of citizens, not included in a PEC

10,568 people were included in 868 precinct election commissions, among them – seven representatives the Left Party "Fair World", 3 representatives of the United Civil Party, 2 – of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada). 98.6 % of all precinct election commissions don't have any opposition activists among their members.

Biaroza: election commissions are formed in the same manner

11.02.2014 Biaroza: election commissions are formed in the same manner

The earlier principle of formation is retained: the commissions are formed of members of the same enterprises and are usually head by their bosses.

Bykhau: Siarhei Antonau complains about dishonesty of his rivals

10.02.2014 Bykhau: Siarhei Antonau complains about dishonesty of his rivals

Contender for a candidate to the Mahiliou Regional Council at Bykhau city constituency No. 14, member of the BPF Party Siarhei Antonau says that members of initiative groups of pro-government candidates misinform electors.

Baranavichy: campaigning is allowed in the old city park

10.02.2014 Baranavichy: campaigning is allowed in the old city park

On February 7 the Baranavichy City Executive Committee published its regulation No. 242 for January 31 on the definition of places for campaigning for candidates for local councils. As in the previous campaign, the list of places is quite short and not too diverse.

Baranavichy: elections by order

10.02.2014 Baranavichy: elections by order

According to the chairman of the city election commission Viktar Harbaniou, as of February 4, labor collectives nominated 24 contenders for candidates. 47 electoral teams are already working. The newspaper of the executive committee "Babruiskaye Zhyttsio" describes the process of nomination as "fairly active" and reports that 30 percent of the contenders are youth.

BCD co-chair Pavel Seviarynets served a warning

10.02.2014 BCD co-chair Pavel Seviarynets served a warning

The co-chairman of the organization committee for creation of the party Belarusian Christian Democracy Pavel Seviaryniets was summoned to the Frunzenski district criminal executive inspection of Minsk on 10 February.

Mazyr PECs are formed by the principle: one enterprise – one commission

08.02.2014 Mazyr PECs are formed by the principle: one enterprise – one commission

Mazyr District Executive Committee established precinct election commissions. The announcement about the relevant meeting of the executive committee was uploaded to its website just several hours befor the meeting.

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