News on the topic: elections-2012

Rasony: road police confiscate image production of “Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections”

03.08.2012 Rasony: road police confiscate image production of “Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections”

The operation was conducted by officers of the “Typhoon” unit of the road police of the Vitsebsk region. In the evening of 2 August a car carrying stationery, bags and T-shirts with logos of “Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections” was stopped by the road police.

Nomination of opposition representatives to precinct election commissions: regional survey

03.08.2012 Nomination of opposition representatives to precinct election commissions: regional survey

According to the schedule of the organizational measures to prepare and hold elections, the nomination of representatives to precinct election commissions must end by 5 August.

Slutsk: constituency commission ignores election observer

03.08.2012 Slutsk: constituency commission ignores election observer

Vital Amialkovich, an observer from the Belarusian Helsinki Committee, asks the head of the Central Election Commission to explain whether the action of the Law “On applications of citizens and juridical bodies” spreads on activities of election commissions.

Tax officers ordered to sign for head of central department store during working hours

03.08.2012 Tax officers ordered to sign for head of central department store during working hours

Aliaksandr Melnik, a prospective candidate for the Parliament, appealed against unlawful actions of the electoral team of the head of the central department store Viktar Valiushytski (who also heads the district branch of the “state NGO” “Belaya Rus”) to the Brest Region Procuracy.

Brest: Ihar Maslouski appeals hidden agitation for pro-governmental candidate

02.08.2012 Brest: Ihar Maslouski appeals hidden agitation for pro-governmental candidate

Ihar Maslouski, the leader of the Brest social-democrats running for the Parliament at Brest-Central election constituency #2, filed an appeal to the Brest-Central constituency election commission concerning election violations admitted by his rival, pro-governmental pretender Valiantsin Milasheuski, chief medic of the city ambulance hospital.

Leanid Autukhou applies to Central Election Commission

02.08.2012 Leanid Autukhou applies to Central Election Commission

The head of the Haradok district branch of the Belarusian Popular Front Leanid Autukhou who collects signatures for his nomination in Vitsebsk-village constituency #21, filed an appeal to the Central Election Commission against the refusal of the constituency commission to show him the list of members of the electoral team of prospective candidate Uladzimir Shytsko, head of the cadet college.

Baranavichy: doorkeepers collect signatures for pro-governmental candidate during working hours

02.08.2012 Baranavichy: doorkeepers collect signatures for pro-governmental candidate during working hours

Artsiom Babei, a member of the electoral team of the prospective candidate at Baranavichy-Eastern election constituency #6 Ryhor Hryk, collected signatures at a hostel in Kirau Street 73/2. He was joined by Ryhor Hryk who decided to get registered at the book of visitors at the hostel's front desk. However, suddenly he saw there a list with signatures in support of his rival, pro-governmental candidate Aliaksandr Stsiatsko.

Nomination of communists: 40 from “Fair World” and 30 – from Communist Party of Belarus

02.08.2012 Nomination of communists: 40 from “Fair World” and 30 – from Communist Party of Belarus

The oppositional leftist party “Fair World” nominated 40 people as prospective candidates for the Parliament.

Doesn't secretary of Central Election Commission know about nomination of “Belaya Rus” candidates?

02.08.2012 Doesn't secretary of Central Election Commission know about nomination of “Belaya Rus” candidates?

The secretary of the Central Election Commission Mikalai Lazavik expressed his dissatisfaction about the report of the OSCE ODIHR.

01.08.2012 Mahiliou: Aliaksei Paulouski detained for collecting signatures

Aliaksei Paulouski, an activist of the Independent Trade Union of Radio Electronic Industry was detained in a dormitory building for “Zenit” plant workers, while gathering signatures to nominate Ryhor Antanovich and Uladzimir Punchanka as parliamentary candidates, RFE/RL reports.

Patients of Homel hospital forced to support pro-government candidate

31.07.2012 Patients of Homel hospital forced to support pro-government candidate

Members of the initiative group of Hanna Lapatsina, head doctor of Homel-based cardiologic dispensary who is running for Parliament in constituency No. 37, have reportedly forced the clinic’s patients to support the pro-government candidate’s nomination, says independent candidate Halina Krauchanka.

31.07.2012 Opposition activist Pashkevich facing warning against early electioneering

Mikhail Pashkevich, a member of the “Tell the Truth!” movement who intends to run in September’s House of Representatives elections in Minsk, is facing a warning against early electioneering.

31.07.2012 OSCE/ODIHR to deploy 40 long-term observers, 270 short-term observers for Belarus’ parliamentary elections

The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) plans to send 40 long-term observers and 270 short-term observers to monitor Belarus’ forthcoming parliamentary elections, Mikalay Lazavik, secretary of the central election commission, told BelaPAN on Tuesday, referring to a report from an ODIHR needs assessment mission that stayed in the country between July 16 and July 18.

Mahiliou observer appeals denial of access to sitting of election commission

31.07.2012 Mahiliou observer appeals denial of access to sitting of election commission

Mahiliou observer Natallia Samakhvalava, representing the Belarusian Helsinki Committee, has lodged a complaint with the Central Election Commission, appealing an incident when she was not allowed attending the sitting of constituency election commission No. 86.

Babruisk canvasser appeals violations

31.07.2012 Babruisk canvasser appeals violations

Valiantsina Hlukhava, Babruisk activist of the Tell the Truth civil campaign has lodged a complaint with local constituency election commission, the Prosecutor’s Office of Pershamaiski district and the Central Election Commission, after she faced a number of obstacles while collecting signatures for the campaign’s candidate Aksana Samuilava in the town’s hostels.

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