News on the topic: elections-2012

Slutsk: head of electoral headquarters of prospective candidate of “Tell the Truth!” appeals ideologist’s actions

15.08.2012 Slutsk: head of electoral headquarters of prospective candidate of “Tell the Truth!” appeals ideologist’s actions

Yuliya Balakir, the head of the electoral headquarters of a candidate of the civil initiative “Tell the Truth!” Aliaksandr Solap, appealed actions of the deputy head of the Slutsk District Executive Committee on ideology Larysa Dabravolskaya to the commission of the constituency election commission # 67 and the Central Election Commission.

Mahiliou KGB interferes with electoral process

15.08.2012 Mahiliou KGB interferes with electoral process

On 14 August a KGB officer paid a visit to Uladzislau Yarashou, a student of the Mahiliou State University named after Arkadz Kuliashou who collects signatures in support of the candidacy of a member of the “For Freedom” Movement Uladzimir Punchanka.

Polatsk: prosecutor's office finds nothing illegal in canvassing at work

15.08.2012 Polatsk: prosecutor's office finds nothing illegal in canvassing at work

Election observer Yury Belski filed two addresses to the Polatsk City Prosecutor's Office during the canvassing campaign. In the both cases described by him representatives of the electoral team of a pro-governmental candidate Natallia Huivik who were state officials collected signatures in support of her candidacy during the working hours.

Salihorsk observers visit 6 election commissions: none of them work

15.08.2012 Salihorsk observers visit 6 election commissions: none of them work

On 14 August election observer Uladzimir Shyla visited three precinct election commissions - #12, #13 and #14. None of them worked at about 5 p.m., though the working day ends at 7 p.m.

Siarhei Vazniak asks Central Election Commission to review rules of determination of places for electoral agitation

15.08.2012 Siarhei Vazniak asks Central Election Commission to review rules of determination of places for electoral agitation

Siarhei Vazniak, a representative of the Belarusian leftist party “Fair World”, applied to the Central Election Commission with the request to abolish the ruling of the Hrushauskaya constituency election commission #98 about the determination of places for electoral agitation.

Hlybokaye prosecutor's office is looking of “Tell the Truth” activist Yaraslau Bernikovich

15.08.2012 Hlybokaye prosecutor's office is looking of “Tell the Truth” activist Yaraslau Bernikovich

The most probable reason of the summons to the prosecutor's office is the call to help to adherents of boycott, published at his Facebook account. Journalist Kastus Shytal, who wrote about Bernikovich's initiative at the independent regional website, has been already interrogated about it.

Brest: Hanna Kanius gets warned by election commission

15.08.2012 Brest: Hanna Kanius gets warned by election commission

The head of the Brest organization of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada) Hanna Kanius who awaits registration as a candidate for the Parliament at Brest-Western election constituency #1, received a warning from the constituency election commission.

Haradok District Court turns down oppositionists' appeals against non-inclusion in precinct election commissions

14.08.2012 Haradok District Court turns down oppositionists' appeals against non-inclusion in precinct election commissions

The court turned down the appeals of the Vitsebsk council of the Belarusian Popular Front and the regional committee of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada) demanding to turn down the ruling of the Haradok District Executive Committee concerning the establishment of PECs.

Lidziya Yarmosyna: monitoring of verification of signatures “is not based on the law”

14.08.2012 Lidziya Yarmosyna: monitoring of verification of signatures “is not based on the law”

The head of the Central Election Commission Lidziya Yarmoshyna stated this in her answer to the Mahiliou human rights defender Aliaksei Kolchyn, registered as an observer at constituency election commission #85.

Ideologist of Svetlahorsk car park “holds a talk” with a canvasseur

14.08.2012 Ideologist of Svetlahorsk car park “holds a talk” with a canvasseur

In Svetlahorsk, the ideologist of car park #5 Anton Satarau summonsed to his office a member of the electoral team of a prospective candidate for the Parliament, the head of the Svetlahorsk district organization of the Belarusian leftist party “Fair World” Siarhei Daineka.

Head of Pinsk city organization of the Belarusian Popular Front applies to prosecutor's office

14.08.2012 Head of Pinsk city organization of the Belarusian Popular Front applies to prosecutor's office

Aliaksandr Ramanovich is of the opinion that the comments at one of the local websites presented harm to his honor and dignity. He tries to stop the black PR campaign against himself by applying to the prosecutor's office.

Baranavichy observer charged with “disorderly conduct” addresses prosecutor

14.08.2012 Baranavichy observer charged with “disorderly conduct” addresses prosecutor

Observer Siarhei Housha filed a written application to the Baranavichy prosecutor against actions of officers of the Baranavichy District Police Department. On 2 August he was summonsed to room #100 of the Baranavichy DPD by police inspector Mikalai Kudrautsau in connection with an administrative case brought against him under Article 17.1, “disorderly conduct”.

Prospective candidate Valiantsina Kaliaka issued with a warning

14.08.2012 Prospective candidate Valiantsina Kaliaka issued with a warning

At 4 p.m. on 13 May a sitting of Lahoisk constituency election commission #75 was held in presence of observers from Smaliavichy and the campaign “Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections” and the prospective candidate Valiantsina Kaliaka, an activist of the civil campaign “Tell the Truth”.

Report on Monitoring the Formation of Precinct Election Commissions

14.08.2012 Report on Monitoring the Formation of Precinct Election Commissions

August 13th, 2012

During the period from the 6th to the 8th of August local administrations, rayon and city executive committees formed 6, 301 precinct election commissions (PEC) which altogether have 68, 945 members. Commission members were selected from the pool of the individuals nominated until August 5 by organizational structures of political parties and non-commercial organizations, working collectives, and by groups of citizens (through signature collection). This stage of the electoral process is important because precinct election commissions are in charge of organizing the voting process at polling stations, including handing out ballot papers to voters and vote count.

Homel: votes in support of the head of the education department will be counted by his subordinates

13.08.2012 Homel: votes in support of the head of the education department will be counted by his subordinates

As the “Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections” learned, the head of the educational department of the Tsentralny District Executive Committee of Homel Aleh Leushunou intends to run for the Parliament at Homel-Central election constituency #33.

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