News on the topic: elections-2012

Zelva district: head of village soviet prohibits electoral meeting

04.09.2012 Zelva district: head of village soviet prohibits electoral meeting

On 3 September dwellers of the villages of Yelka and Kazlovichy didn't manage to meet with the pro-democratic candidates for the Parliament Ivan Sheha and Mikhail Karatkevich running at election constituency #58.

Lidziya Yarmoshyna: agitation meetings in yards can shatter peace and quiet of citizens

04.09.2012 Lidziya Yarmoshyna: agitation meetings in yards can shatter peace and quiet of citizens

Ivan Shyla, an electioneering agent of a Salihorsk candidate for the Parliament, Viktar Malochka, has received an answer from the Central Election Commission to his appeal against the ruling of the Salihorsk District Executive Committee “To determine places for mass events, organized by candidates for the Parliament in the Salihorsk district, in the notification order”.

Zelva: electoral meetings of opposition candidates are disrupted

04.09.2012 Zelva: electoral meetings of opposition candidates are disrupted

In the morning of 4 September an electoral meeting with Ivan Sheha (a candidate of the Belarusian Popular Front Party) and Mikhail Karatkevich (a candidate of the Belarusian Leftist Party “Fair World”) were to have taken place at the engine yard of the “Synkavichy” enterprise in the Zelva district. The local mechanics knew about the meeting, which was to have take place before the beginning of the working hours.

Registered as candidate, but lost time for agitation

04.09.2012 Registered as candidate, but lost time for agitation

Viktar Tsiareshchanka managed to get registered as a candidate for the Parliament only after applying to the Supreme Court. Now he also has to apply to the Central Election Commission in connection with some issues: the late registration limited his opportunities in comparison to his rivals: ten days of agitation period have passed already, and the time for TV and radio appearances is running out.

Babruisk KGB threatens election public activist

04.09.2012 Babruisk KGB threatens election public activist

Public activist Halina Smirnova was summoned to the local branch of the KGB. The conversation with officer of special services Pavel Silkou lasted about two and a half hours.

About Implementation of Candidates’ Right to Campaign on State TV, Radio and Mass Media

03.09.2012 About Implementation of Candidates’ Right to Campaign on State TV, Radio and Mass Media

As early as in the very beginning of the campaigning stage we have registered facts of censorship of campaign materials of some candidates.

Biaroza: candidate is demanded to change name of his electoral program

03.09.2012 Biaroza: candidate is demanded to change name of his electoral program

Two days after a candidate for the Parliament Aliaksandr Kabanau had passed his electoral program “Lukashenka is a deadlock. Fair elections are a way out of this deadlock” to the Biaroza district state-owned newspaper “Mayak” he received a telephone call from the chief editor, Aliaksandr Ivanou, who blankly demanded that the title of the program be changed, saying that otherwise it wouldn’t be published at all.

Vitsebsk candidate Alena Famina searched twice at Belarusian-Polish border

03.09.2012 Vitsebsk candidate Alena Famina searched twice at Belarusian-Polish border

Alena Famina, a candidate for the Parliament at Vitsebsk-Horki election constituency #17, faced an unpleasant situation on her return from Warsaw where she visited her son. At first the Belarusian custom's officers examined her belongings right I the carriage, then set her down the train and conducted a personal examination, proposing her to voluntary declare some money.

Opposition candidates are unwelcome in Zelva

03.09.2012 Opposition candidates are unwelcome in Zelva

Ivan Sheha (Belarusian Popular Front Party) and Mikhail Karatkevich (Belarusian Leftist Party “Fair World”) who run for the Parliament at election constituency #58 came to Zelva to specify the details of their meeting with the electors at the district Culture Palace. A meeting with another candidate, Ala Sopikava, has been appointed there well in advance, and appropriate posters have been posted as well.

Maladechna: candidate gets warned

03.09.2012 Maladechna: candidate gets warned

Constituency election commission #72 in Maladechna issued a warning to a candidate of the Belarusian Popular Front Party Yan Lahvinovich for non-presentation of a copy of the vacation leave presented to him in connection with the parliamentary election.

Director General of Belarusian Potassium Company actively promoted by authorities

03.09.2012 Director General of Belarusian Potassium Company actively promoted by authorities

On 29 August representatives of the district executive committees and the Presidiums of the district councils of Bialynihy, Kruhliany and Shklou held joint sittings

Brest: court upholds prohibition of picket for free elections without Lukashenka

03.09.2012 Brest: court upholds prohibition of picket for free elections without Lukashenka

Brest Region Court turned down the appeal of the head of the regional organization of the United Civil Party Uladzimir Vuyek against the ban of a picket under the slogan “For Free Elections without Lukashenka”.

Vitsebsk police search candidate’s car, seize election papers

31.08.2012 Vitsebsk police search candidate’s car, seize election papers

Vitsebsk police searched the car of Aliaksei Haurutsikau, candidate running in constituency No. 18, seizing printed materials and other documents belonging to the activist and another pro-democratic candidate Alena Famina.

Baranavichy activist appeals denial of registration in Supreme Court

31.08.2012 Baranavichy activist appeals denial of registration in Supreme Court

Baranavichy pro-democratic activist Ryhor Hryk, who was denied registration as a candidate by constituency election commission No. 6, is appealing the decision at the Supreme Court.

CEC turns down Milinkevich’s complaint over registration denial

30.08.2012 CEC turns down Milinkevich’s complaint over registration denial

The Central Election Commission has dismissed today the complaints lodged by opposition politicians Aliaksandr Milinkevich, Artur Finkevich and Mikhail Pashkevich, who were denied registration as candidates on 23 August.

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