News on the topic: elections-2012

Pro-government candidate in Pinsk violates election rules

14.09.2012 Pro-government candidate in Pinsk violates election rules

The election posters of Mrs. Zinaida Mandrouskaya, member of the House of Representatives running for another term in Pinsk constituency No. 14, have appeared in a number of the town’s shops and state-owned organizations, observers of the Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections campaign report.

Fair World candidate silenced by state-owned media

14.09.2012 Fair World candidate silenced by state-owned media

Viktar Bury, candidate for Parliament representing the Fair World Party, has not been able to present his election programme on TV, radio and in state-run newspapers.

Managers of Zhlobin’s major state-run enterprise favor pro-government candidate

13.09.2012 Managers of Zhlobin’s major state-run enterprise favor pro-government candidate

According to Valery Rybchanka, candidate for Parliament representing the Fair World Party, his rival Leanid Apanasiuk, chairman of Zhlobin district executive committee, has held a number of meetings with employees of the Belarusian Steel Works on the premises of the enterprise.

Klimavichy candidate appeals election picket ban

13.09.2012 Klimavichy candidate appeals election picket ban

Valery Karankevich, member of the Belarusian Popular Front Party and candidate for Parliament in Krychau constituency No. 83, has lodged a complaint with the prosecutor of Klimavichy district Aliaksandr Zemliakou against Mrs. Maryia Prakopchyk, head of the district executive committee’s ideology department, who banned the candidate’s election picket scheduled for 12 September.

Friends and relatives of opposition candidate threatened with dismissals

12.09.2012 Friends and relatives of opposition candidate threatened with dismissals

According to Aliaksandr Shylovich, candidate running for Parliament in Slutsk constituency No. 67, some of his relatives and friends working at state-owned enterprises have received threats from their employees.

Ryhor Kastusiou appeals abuse of administrative resources by pro-government candidate

12.09.2012 Ryhor Kastusiou appeals abuse of administrative resources by pro-government candidate

Ryhor Kastusiou, candidate representing the Belarusian Popular Front in Shklou constituency No. 90, has lodged a complaint with the Central Election Commission, saying that “candidate A. Aheyeu has abused administrative resources” to canvass for votes.

Brest: disloyal candidates face obstacles

12.09.2012 Brest: disloyal candidates face obstacles

The owners of a number of stores in Brest have been reluctant to allow posting election leaflets in their windows, observers of the Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections campaign report.

Rechytsa state-owned printing firm blames equipment for failing to produce alternative candidate’s fliers

12.09.2012 Rechytsa state-owned printing firm blames equipment for failing to produce alternative candidate’s fliers

Representatives of the Rechytsa-based “Tytul” state-owned printing firm say the company will only be able to produce 5,000 out of 10,000 election leaflets ordered by local alternative candidate Anton Niafiodau. The firm managers say the amount is sure to spoil the printer.

Vitsebsk candidate searched at border again

12.09.2012 Vitsebsk candidate searched at border again

Alena Famina, member of the Social Democratic Party “Narodnaya Hramada” running for Parliament in Vitsebsk constituency No. 17, has been searched today by the Belarusian customs officials, as she was going to Vilnius.

Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections meet OSCE PA observers

12.09.2012 Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections meet OSCE PA observers

Yesterday, representatives of the “Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections” campaign have had a meeting with members of the election observation mission deployed by the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly. The meeting was also attended by Co-ordinator of the OSCE short-term observer mission Mateo Mecacci.

Mazyr HR defender:  What is legitimate for international observers, is not legitimate for national ones

12.09.2012 Mazyr HR defender: What is legitimate for international observers, is not legitimate for national ones

Having studied the interim report on election observation produced by the CIS’s mission, Mazyr human rights defender Uladzimir Tseliapun, referring to his personal experience as a long-term observer, argues that it is not so “calm” and “in compliance with the Electoral Code” as the mission’s report claims.

Mahiliou coordinator of independent observation campaign fined

11.09.2012 Mahiliou coordinator of independent observation campaign fined

Judge Aksana Ratnikava of Mahiliou Leninski District Court has fined Yury Novikau, regional coordinator of the “For Free Elections 2012” observation campaign, 4 mln. rubles for distributing products with the campaign’s logo, including observers’ notebooks, guidelines and election newsletters.

Mahiliou printing companies reject election fliers of UCP candidate

11.09.2012 Mahiliou printing companies reject election fliers of UCP candidate

The Mahiliou-based Spirydon Sobal printing firm has refused to produce the election leaflets of local opposition candidate Uladzimir Shantsau, on the ground that they called on voters to boycott the elections.

Candidate detained at election picket in Khotsimsk

11.09.2012 Candidate detained at election picket in Khotsimsk

The police of Khotsimsk (Mahiliou region) have detained today candidate Valery Karankevich during an election picket staged in an authorized place.

Mahiliou Social Democratic activist loses job

11.09.2012 Mahiliou Social Democratic activist loses job

Mikalai Zalozny, Mahiliou activist of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada), has been forced to quit his job as a plumber at a state-owned hostel, after a campaign of harassment reportedly caused by the activist’s involvement in the current elections.

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