News on the topic: statement

HRHF voices concerns over "parasites tax" protests at UN Human Rights Council

16.03.2017 HRHF voices concerns over "parasites tax" protests at UN Human Rights Council

"Everybody should be allowed to exercise their right to peaceful assembly," Léa Meindre-Chautrand, International Advocacy Associate at the Human Rights House Foundation, said in a statement to the UN Human Rights Council on March 15.

UN Special Rapporteurs concerned about recurring violence against demonstrators in Belarus

15.03.2017 UN Special Rapporteurs concerned about recurring violence against demonstrators in Belarus

Belarus is being urged by a UN human rights expert to stop acts of violence and harassment against demonstrators and to respect freedom of peaceful assembly.

Stop persecution of citizens for exercising their right to peaceful protest and expression

11.03.2017 Stop persecution of citizens for exercising their right to peaceful protest and expression

The Human Rights Center "Viasna" notes the deterioration of the overall human rights situation in the country.

Miklós Haraszti: “The bloody reality of Belarus’ judicial system stains Europe”

06.12.2016 Miklós Haraszti: “The bloody reality of Belarus’ judicial system stains Europe”

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Belarus, Miklós Haraszti, has said that the recent executions carried out by Belarus, and confirmed last week, show once again the persistent disregard for human rights in the country.

Belarus executions “flagrant disregard” for international human rights law – UN experts

06.12.2016 Belarus executions “flagrant disregard” for international human rights law – UN experts

UN human rights experts are outraged by Belarus’ continued use of the death penalty following reports that two men whose cases were before the UN Human Rights Committee were executed, despite a specific request from the Committee not to carry out the planned executions.

Belarusian human rights community insists on abolition of the death penalty

02.12.2016 Belarusian human rights community insists on abolition of the death penalty

Belarusian human rights community condemns recent executions and reiterates calls to abolish the death penalty.

Belarus: third consecutive execution concealed for nearly a month from the public and relatives

02.12.2016 Belarus: third consecutive execution concealed for nearly a month from the public and relatives

Execution of Henadz Yakavitski on 5 November 2016 is the fourth execution in 2016, making it the highest number of executions per year since 2008.

FIDH: Andrei Bandarenka faces extention of his prison term under new criminal charges

30.11.2016 FIDH: Andrei Bandarenka faces extention of his prison term under new criminal charges

FIDH denounces opening of a new case against imprisoned human rights defender Andrei Bandarenka, previously expert on monitored detention facilities. Even if his sentence in 2014 was not related to his human rights activities, FIDH considers the repeated criminal prosecution as a form of politically motivated pressure for his previous human rights activities and calls for dropping of charges.

FIDH deplores execution in secrecy of two death convicts in Belarus

30.11.2016 FIDH deplores execution in secrecy of two death convicts in Belarus

FIDH deplores the executions because it stands for global abolition of death penalty.

Viasna demands to release Aliaksandr Lapitski from psychiatric hospital and to decriminalize defamation offenses

15.11.2016 Viasna demands to release Aliaksandr Lapitski from psychiatric hospital and to decriminalize defamation offenses

On November 14, it became known that Aliaksandr Lapitski, 80, was forcibly sent to a psychiatric hospital, after a court decision in the criminal case against him had entered into force.

Joint position of human rights defenders on adoption of plan to implement UN recommendations

04.11.2016 Joint position of human rights defenders on adoption of plan to implement UN recommendations

Joint Position of Belarusian Human Rights Organizations on Adoption of Interagency Plan of Implementation of Recommendations for Belarus from UN mechanisms

Human rights defenders recognize Uladzimir Kondrus political prisoner

10.08.2016 Human rights defenders recognize Uladzimir Kondrus political prisoner

We reaffirm our position, which is that the actions of Uladzimir Kondrus cannot be categorized under Art. 293 of the Criminal Code, while the statute of limitations of other articles of the Criminal Code, under which they could have been qualified, has already expired.

Amnesty International calls to annul preventive supervision imposed on Pavel Vinahradau

27.06.2016 Amnesty International calls to annul preventive supervision imposed on Pavel Vinahradau

Amnesty International has condemned the arbitrary penalty against Pavel Vinahradau, who was sentenced to six months of “preventive supervision” on 7 June 2016, on the basis of his participation in peaceful, but unauthorized protests.

Viasna demands respect for procedural rights of Eduard Palchys

14.06.2016 Viasna demands respect for procedural rights of Eduard Palchys

Viasna demands respect for all the procedural safeguards and rights in relation to Eduard Palchys, who is currently held in custody in the detention center in Žodzina. In particular, he should be allowed to see his lawyer and be provided with appropriate conditions of detention and treatment.

Viasna demands to stop political persecution of activist Pavel Vinahradau

03.06.2016 Viasna demands to stop political persecution of activist Pavel Vinahradau

The Human Rights Center "Viasna" urges the authorities to immediately stop the proceedings aimed at establishing preventive supervision against Pavel Vinahradau.

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