News on the topic: statement

EU and CoE call for moratorium on executions in Belarus on World Day against Death Penalty

10.10.2017 EU and CoE call for moratorium on executions in Belarus on World Day against Death Penalty

On the European and World Day against the Death Penalty, the Council of Europe and the European Union reaffirm their strong and unequivocal opposition to capital punishment in all circumstances and for all cases. The death penalty is incompatible with human dignity. It constitutes inhuman and degrading treatment, does not have any proven deterrent effect and allows judicial errors to become irreversible and fatal.

15 activists charged in ‘White Legion case’ plead not guilty in a statement

26.09.2017 15 activists charged in ‘White Legion case’ plead not guilty in a statement

Fifteen persons facing charges in so-called ‘White Legion case’ have issued a statement to plead not guilty, after the authorities extended the investigation for another six months.

Stop government interference in activities of the Bar

13.09.2017 Stop government interference in activities of the Bar

Joint statement of Belarusian human rights organizations

Civil Rights Defenders: Belarus Must Drop Charges Against Ihar Komlik and Henadz Fiadynich

23.08.2017 Civil Rights Defenders: Belarus Must Drop Charges Against Ihar Komlik and Henadz Fiadynich

Civil Rights Defenders calls upon the Belarusian authorities to immediately and unconditionally release Ihar Komlik and to drop all charges against Ihar Komlik and Henadz Fiadynich.

Observatory condemns judicial harassment against trade union leaders in Belarus

10.08.2017 Observatory condemns judicial harassment against trade union leaders in Belarus

The Observatory fears that REP and BITU leaders are being targeted in reprisal for their human rights activities and calls for the immediate release of Mr. Komlik, as well as ending all judicial harassment against REP and BITU leaders, in particular Messrs Komlik and Fiadynich, in so far as it appears to only aim at sanctioning their peaceful and legitimate human rights activities.

Stop prosecution of Henadz Fiadynich and Ihar Komlik

04.08.2017 Stop prosecution of Henadz Fiadynich and Ihar Komlik

Joint Statement of Belarusian Human Rights Organizations

HRDs call for immediate release of all persons arrested in ‘rioting and armed group case’ after reports of torture in KGB prison

07.06.2017 HRDs call for immediate release of all persons arrested in ‘rioting and armed group case’ after reports of torture in KGB prison

Joint statement by the Belarusian human rights organizations

Observatory condemns re-arrest and arbitrary detention of Pavel Levinau

03.06.2017 Observatory condemns re-arrest and arbitrary detention of Pavel Levinau

The Observatory has been informed by reliable sources about the re-arrest and arbitrary detention of Mr. Pavel Levinau, human rights defender and board member of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee.

Observatory: Crackdown continues, more human rights defenders detained in Belarus

29.03.2017 Observatory: Crackdown continues, more human rights defenders detained in Belarus

Paris-Geneva, March 29, 2017: Belarusian authorities continue to use detention to prevent human rights defenders from observing peaceful protests throughout the country. The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders (FIDH-OMCT) deplores a new series of arrests, harassments and convictions and urges Belarusian authorities to release all detained human rights defenders and investigate allegations of ill-treatment.

Statement of the Coordinating Committee of the Belarusian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum

29.03.2017 Statement of the Coordinating Committee of the Belarusian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum

In connection with the events of March 25-26, 2017 in Minsk and other Belarusian cities

Front Line Defenders: Human rights defender Pavel Levinov detained and in critical health condition

29.03.2017 Front Line Defenders: Human rights defender Pavel Levinov detained and in critical health condition

On 26 March 2017, human rights defender Pavel Levinov was arrested by police from the Oktyabrsky District in Vitebsk city on the charge of participating in an unauthorised peaceful assembly. He was initially kept in a temporary detention centre. Later that day, he was hospitalised after suffering a hypertensive crisis.

ENEMO Condemns Crackdown on its Member  Organizations in Belarus

29.03.2017 ENEMO Condemns Crackdown on its Member Organizations in Belarus

The European Network of Election Monitoring Organizations (ENEMO) is deeply alarmed by the crackdown on civil society and human rights defenders in Belarus in connection to the Freedom Day demonstrations.

Belarus: UN Expert Decries Return Of Mass Violence Against Peaceful Protestors, Demands Release Of All Detained

29.03.2017 Belarus: UN Expert Decries Return Of Mass Violence Against Peaceful Protestors, Demands Release Of All Detained

The Special Rapporteur on human rights in Belarus, Miklós Haraszti, has expressed dismay over the Government’s open return to the policy of violent mass repression against peaceful demonstrators, non-governmental organizations, journalists and political opponents, and is calling on the authorities of Belarus to stop harassment and violence.

Germany's Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel on the demonstrations in Belarus

28.03.2017 Germany's Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel on the demonstrations in Belarus

Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel issued the following statement today (28 March) on the demonstrations in Belarus

EU Statement on a death sentence in Belarus

28.03.2017 EU Statement on a death sentence in Belarus

The Delegation of the European Union to Belarus has issued the following statement in agreement with the EU Heads of Mission in Belarus.

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