Human Rights Situation in Belarus: July 2017

02.08.2017 Human Rights Situation in Belarus: July 2017

The government of Belarus still adheres to the policy of repression against civil society activists and members of the political opposition, which started in the spring of this year, while assumptions of its mitigation are still premature.

Human Rights Situation in Belarus: June 2017

10.07.2017 Human Rights Situation in Belarus: June 2017

The closing of a series of criminal cases with clear political motives and the release of all the persons arrested on the eve of March 25, prompt cautious optimism, but do not testify to a change of the government’s policy in the field of protecting human rights as a whole and do not give grounds for claims of less repressive practices as an established trend.

Human Rights Situation in Belarus: May 2017

05.06.2017 Human Rights Situation in Belarus: May 2017

The month was marked by a continued negative trend evidencing the deterioration of the overall human rights situation in the country.

Human Rights Situation in Belarus: April 2017

03.05.2017 Human Rights Situation in Belarus: April 2017

The month was marked by a continuation of the negative trends observed since early March, indicating a decline in the overall human rights situation in the country and testifying to the return of the authorities of Belarus to the policy of the worst repressive practices.

Human Rights Situation in Belarus: March 2017

03.04.2017 Human Rights Situation in Belarus: March 2017

March was marked by a dramatic deterioration of the human rights situation in the country, which testifies to the return of the authorities of Belarus to the policy of the worst repressive practices.

Human Rights Situation in Belarus: February 2017

02.03.2017 Human Rights Situation in Belarus: February 2017

In the second half of February, a wave of peaceful assemblies against the Decree was held across Belarus. On February 17, a protest called “The March of Angry Belarusians” took place in Minsk; on February 19, a rally “Non-Parasites’ March” was held in Homieĺ; on the same day a march and a rally were held in Mahilioŭ; protests against Decree No. 3 were held on Sunday, February 26, in Babrujsk, Baranavičy, Brest and Viciebsk.

Human Rights Situation in Belarus: January 2017

07.02.2017 Human Rights Situation in Belarus: January 2017

During the month, there were cases of confiscation and seizure of personal property of citizens in connection with their failure to pay administrative fines imposed for participation in peaceful assemblies. Human rights defenders regard these cases as a form of repression in connection with the exercise of the freedom of peaceful assembly and expression.

Human Rights Situation in Belarus in 2016. Analytical Review

23.01.2017 Human Rights Situation in Belarus in 2016. Analytical Review

Changes in the geopolitical situation in the neighboring countries continued to have a significant impact on both external and internal political situation in the country during 2016, which in turn affected the human rights situation in Belarus.

Human Rights Situation in Belarus: December 2016

09.01.2017 Human Rights Situation in Belarus: December 2016

During the month, Viasna documented a few instances of the use of forced labor in some districts of the Minsk region, which together with the earlier recorded reports, is evidence of a systemic and systematic use of forced labor in the country.

Human Rights Situation in Belarus: November 2016

05.12.2016 Human Rights Situation in Belarus: November 2016

Enforcement of the three recent death sentences is a major negative trend of the month, as it demonstrates the apparent reluctance of the official Minsk to abolish the death penalty in the near future.

Human Rights Situation in Belarus: October 2016

04.11.2016 Human Rights Situation in Belarus: October 2016

The court sentences against Paliyenka and Palchys did not change Viasna’s evaluation of their criminal cases, but at the same time, we welcome the moderation shown by the Belarusian authorities and the application of penalties not related to deprivation of liberty.

Human Rights Situation in Belarus: September 2016

04.10.2016 Human Rights Situation in Belarus: September 2016

The key negative trend of September were new cases of arbitrary detention of political activists. It should be noted that this type of detention had not been applied by the Belarusian authorities since August 2015.

Human Rights Situation in Belarus: August 2016

02.09.2016 Human Rights Situation in Belarus: August 2016

On July 14, the law enforcement officers detained Uladzimir Kondrus, a resident of the town of Rudziensk, Minsk region. Kondrus was taken into custody and charged under Part 2, Art. 293 of the Criminal Code (rioting). On August 10, the country’s leading human rights organizations issued a statement to recognize Uladzimir Kondrus a political prisoner and to demand his release.

Human Rights Situation in Belarus: July 2016

02.08.2016 Human Rights Situation in Belarus: July 2016

The Prosecutor General's Office completed the investigation into the case of prison doctor and Interior Ministry officer Aliaksandr Krylou, who is accused of professional misconduct resulting in the death of Ihar Ptsichkin in jail No. 1 in August 2013.

Human Rights Situation in Belarus: June 2016

05.07.2016 Human Rights Situation in Belarus: June 2016

The Committee on the Application of Standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO) called on the Belarusian authorities to bring the national legislation into compliance with the ILO Convention No. 29.

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