07.09.2007 Review-Chronicle of Human Rights Violations in Belarus in July-August 2007

During the last two summer months the Belarusian authorities continued persecuting democratic activists: policemen groundlessly detained people without composing detention reports or accused them in administrative violations. Despite the summer season the Belarusian opposition continued active work and preparation to autumn actions including the European March appointed on 14 October and the Social March. Democratic activists distributed agitation materials with the aim to inform citizens about the marches. Besides, during this period the democratic circles celebrated an important date of the Belarusian history, 27 July. This day in 1990 the deputies of the Belarusian Parliament of the 12th Convocation adopted the Declaration of State Sovereignty.

09.08.2007 Review-Chronicle of Human Rights Violations in Belarus in June 2007

In June the Belarusian authorities again clearly showed their reluctance to change their course and initiate any democratic transformations in the country. Parole to several political prisoners and mild sentences on the criminal case against five members of Young Front were just an attempt to simulate democratization in response to insistent demands of the US and the EU. In fact, fundamental changes are impossible within a totalitarian system as they lead to its collapse. That’s why in June the authorities stopped concessions and continued the policy of bans, intimidation and suppression of freedoms and liberties. The Parliament did not receive the draft law on amnesty during its last session. As a result this issue will remain unsolved till the autumn session.

13.06.2007 Review-Chronicle of Human Rights Violations in Belarus in May 2007

Review-Chronicle of Human Rights Violations in Belarus in May 2007

11.05.2007 Chronicle-Review of Human Rights Violations in Belarus in April 2007

Chronicle-Review of Human Rights Violations in Belarus in April 2007

11.04.2007 Review-Chronicle of Human Rights Violations in Belarus in March 2007

Review-Chronicle of Human Rights Violations in Belarus in March 2007

07.03.2007 Review-Chronicle of Human Rights Violations in Belarus in February 2007

Review-Chronicle of Human Rights Violations in Belarus in February 2007

05.02.2007 Review–Chronicle of Human Rights Violations in Belarus in January 2007

Review–Chronicle of Human Rights Violations in Belarus in January 2007

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