News on the topic: human rights defenders

10.12.2007 Belarusian Authorities Defy Human Rights. Statement of Human Rights Center ‘Viasna’

Human Rights Center 'Viasna' states with a grave concern that Belarus does not respect the fundamental civil and political rights. The violations of these rights are systematic. They are defined by the conscious politics of the state authorities and their top leaders...

Valery Misnikau – Another Victim of Punitive Psychiatry

10.12.2007 Valery Misnikau – Another Victim of Punitive Psychiatry

Since 16 November a former teacher of history and law from Vitsebsk Valery Misnikau has been kept at the oblast psychiatric hospital 'Slabodka' in Braslau. This human rights activist, who called himself ‘civil prosecutor’, has often undergone legal persecution for his public activities.

Barys Khamaida Holds 10 December Action in Vitsebsk

10.12.2007 Barys Khamaida Holds 10 December Action in Vitsebsk

Today the activist-veteran Barys Khamaida congratulated the citizens of Vitsebsk on the Universal Day of Human Rights Day.

07.12.2007 Judge Kazlou Supports Opinion of Vitsebsk Authorities

The chair of Vitsebsk oblast BHC office Pavel Levinau has sued against the picket bans issued by Vitsebsk city executive committee. The judge of Kastrychnitski district court of Vitsebsk Eduard Kazlou took the side of Vitsebsk authorities who think that pickets must be held in the places that were determined by them – desolate places at the city outskirts.

07.12.2007 Baranavichy: Another Picket Banned

‘… Baranavichy city executive committee has to refuse in authorizing the picket, because the application does not correspond to the norms of articles of 4 and 5 of the law On mass actions in the Republic of Belarus. The measures for ensuring the public order and the measures connected with the medical serving and cleaning the territory after the mass action are not mentioned in the application…’. This standard come-off was signed by the deputy chair of Baranavichy city executive committee D.Kastsiukevich.

07.12.2007 Brest Authorities Ban Picket Dedicated to Human Rights Day

On the eve of the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Brest city executive committee receive 2 applications for pickets. The applicants intended to hold them both on 9 December – one in Lenin Street and the other – at the 'Locomotive' stadium.

14.11.2007 Human Rights Activists Demand to Abolish Forced State Assignment of Graduates

This year 65 criminal cases have been brought against the high school graduates who failed to get to the places of work assignment. The present legislation treats such behavior as evasion from duties and demands from the people to pay off the costs that had been already spent by the state for their education. The numbers differ, but in general it is about 3-5 thousand US dollars, the average wage being about 200 dollars.

12.11.2007 33 Countries Propose to Condemn Belarus for Human Rights Violations

33 countries have introduced to the UN a draft resolution on Belarus.

08.11.2007 Belarusian Helsinki Committee Demands Investigation of Fight at Social March

On 4 November when the Social March demonstration crossed Yakub Kolas and Surhanau Streets in Minsk, a group of young people in black (about 50 persons) separated from the column and put up a fight in the traffic area. Many of them were chanting fascist slogans.

29.10.2007 International Organizations Support Viasna

Leading international human rights organizations issued a joint statement on the situation with Viasna's registration

26.10.2007 Supreme Court Turns Down Complaint of Human Rights Defenders about Registration of Viasna

Despite the fact that during the trial the human rights defenders refuted practically all arguments of the Ministry, and representative of the Ministry failed to answer numerous questions of the founders, the Supreme Court decided in favor of the Ministry of Justice.

23.10.2007 Viasna Demands Hearings in Belarusian language

Today the Supreme Court of Belarus began hearings of the complaint against the actions of the Ministry of Justice, which refused to register the Human Rights Center “Viasna”.

17.10.2007 Belarusian Ministry of Justice Explains to FIDH Refusal to Register Viasna

FIDH received a reply from the Ministry of Justice of Belarus on the inquiry about the Ministry’s refusal to register Viasna.

16.10.2007 Brest: Human Rights Activist Tries to Sue Police

Today Maskouski court of Brest dismissed the case of lawyer Raman Kisliak against Maskouski district police department of Brest.

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