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Priests discuss death penalty

2013 2013-09-24T14:48:37+0300 2013-09-24T14:48:37+0300 en

The issue of the death penalty is discussed in Minsk by Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant ministers. Even priests have a lot to discuss, says Yulia Khlashchankova, representative of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee, in her comment for Radio Free Europe’s Belarus service.

“Every church with its humanistic beginning must speak out against the death penalty. However, the Belarusian Orthodox Church for a long time has not articulated its position clearly. This position was first voiced in June. But, it is not sufficient only to express their position once. The church is a hierarchical structure where each person, in order to take action in accordance with a position, needs to hear it more than once or twice,” says the human rights defender.

Heorhi Lapukhou, representative of the Orthodox Church, called for a moratorium on the death penalty. The roundtable discussion was arranged by the Interfaith Mission "Christian Social Ministry".

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