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Lyubou Kavalyova: “If they write like that, it's possible the wrong persons were executed!”

2012 2012-06-26T17:14:07+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

The mother of executed Uladzislau Kavalyou has received a letter with factual errors from the Prosecutor General's Office.

Lyubou Kavalyova asked the Prosecutor General's Office to evaluate the work of authors of Metro film, which was showed on the Belarusian television a year after the Minsk metro bombing. She finds the movie slanderous and says the proofs were published by several websites, Radio Svaboda reports.

The reply signed by deputy prosecutor general Alyaksei Stuk, who was a public prosecutor at the trial over Uladzislau Kavalyou and Dzmitry Kanavalau, says nothing about the film. It only notes that the movie is based “on materials of the criminal case, in which the Supreme Court delivered a guilty verdict that already took legal effect”.

The mother of Uladzislau Kavalyou thinks she didn't receive a substantive answer. She regards the letter from the Prosecutor General's Office an insult and mockery of the common sense:

Lyubou Kavalyouva turns attention to other details:

“Beginning from the second paragraph, the letter says about 'D.Y. Kavalyou' and 'U.Y. Kanavalau'. Who are they? The letter signed personally by Stuk says these persons were found guilty of committing a terrorist attack and a number of other crimes. But the persons who were executed for these crimes were my son Uladzislau Kavalyou and Dzmitry Kanavalau. How can the responsible officials of the body, which is supposed to observe legality, make such mistakes? What can one say about quality of their work? If the Prosecutor General's Office writes like that, it's possible that the wrong persons were executed!”

“I wrote only about the movie. It's unclear why Stuk writes in his reply that 'court's conclusions regarding the guilt of the accused persons are based on throughly motivated evidence' and that 'there are no ground to launch a procedure to check legality and well-foundedness of the judgement”. My letter regarding the film is not a supervisory appeal, which we haven't lodged yet!

Another matter: Why does Stuk write I have no right to file an appeal to review the case of my son? Yes, I don't have this right, because two powers of attorney in my name, which Uladzsilau and his lawyer made and which were to be signed by the pre-trial jail authorities, disappeared from the KGB pre-trial jail under unclear circumstances. I was denied an opportunity to defend my son, who, in my view, was wrongly convicted and executed without guilt.”

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