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BHC statement on execution of Kanavalau and Kavaliou

2012 2012-03-22T13:39:32+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en

Belarusian Helsinki Committee deeply regrets the execution of the death penalty against Dzmitry Kanavalau and Uladzislau Kavaliou.
Capital punishment is an inhumane form of punishment that makes society violent.
Most countries have abolished the death penalty. Belarus remains the last country in Europe that has not abolished this kind of punishment.
Moreover, Uladzislau Kavaliou’s complaint against the violation of his right to life is under consideration by the UN Human Rights Committee. Once again, Belarus has ignored the Committee’s request not to carry out the death sentence until the case is considered on the merits.
This negates the constitutional guarantees of citizens’ rights to appeal to international organizations for protecting their rights and freedoms, when all available domestic remedies have been exhausted (Article 61 of the Constitution).
Grieving for the victims of the terrorist attack on April 11, 2011, BHC expresses its condolences to the relatives of Kanavalau and Kavaliou, and calls upon the Belarusian authorities to introduce an immediate moratorium on the death penalty.

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