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Capital punishment abolishment is important but it is not the only term of Belarus’ return to PACE

2010 2010-08-24T16:39:40+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en

The abolishment of the capital punishment is the main but not the only reason for returning the status of a special invitee to Belarus in PACE. The PACE reporter on Belarus Sinikka Hurskainen has informed about it.

According to BelTA, she said that issues connected with the freedom of the press, human rights and democracy would be taken into account before returning the status to Belarus. The European politician also stressed that she thought it was necessary and natural to take public opinion into account before abolishment of the capital punishment. At the moment the majority of Belarusians (about 80%) would like to preserve death penalty.
Ms. Hurskainen’s visit to Belarus will finish on August 25.

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