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Jean-Eric Holzapfel hopes Belarus declares moratorium on death penalty

2009 2009-10-21T17:11:07+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en

The declaration of a moratorium on the death penalty is the key point for further development of EU-Belarus dialogue, said Jean-Eric Holzapfel, European Commission representative in Belarus, in his interview with the European Radio for Belarus during a round table discussion, concluding the international technical support project ‘Promotion of wider use of international human rights standards in the administration of justice in the Republic of Belarus.’
‘This issue should be addressed by respective authorities in Belarus. But I can say that the declaration of a moratorium on the death penalty is the most important element for the development of relations between Belarus and the Council of Europe. It is one of the points laid in the 2006 document – the so called 12 points’, said Mr. Holzapfel.
According to the EuroCommission representative, the EU officials understand that the decision depends on the country’s authorities, and hope that the declaration of a moratorium will be announced in the near future.

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