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UN Human Rights Committee of registered appeal of Vitsebsk psychiatrist Ihar Pastnou

2014 2014-04-09T14:02:38+0300 2014-04-09T14:02:38+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

The medic was sent for foreced psychiatric treatment after numerous speeches criticizing the local authorities and the state of health facilities in Vitsebsk region. This direction was authorized by Vitsebsk Regional Court.

Mr. Pastnou believes that forced treatment in a locked ward of the regional psychiatric hospital was revenge for criticism and open civil position. He considers compulsory psychiatric treatment aspunishment for freethinking and citizenship. Being a psychiatrist himself, he also expresses doubts concerning the correctness of the psyhiatric diagnosis delivered to him. The compulsory treatment in the medical facility lasted more than a month.

Ihar Pastnou
filed his communication to the UN Human Rights Committee in February 2014. It concerns the judgment regarding the sanctionforhis compulsory treatment in a psychiatric clinic. Ihar Pastnou believes that several articles of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights were violated during this trial, related to his person.

sebsk "medic-truthteller", who was forcibly sent for compulsory psychiatric treatment failed to appeal the decision of the district court, issued by Judge Tatsiana Dzehtsiarova. His testimony that the trial had been held in the absence of him and his lawyer, appealing to whom was prohibited for him by the hospital administration, was ignored by the Vitsebsk Regional Court and the Supreme Court.

Stressing that the courts ignored his right to an independent and impartial trial,
Mr. Pastnou asks the UN Human Rights Committee to accept his appeal, recognize it as reasonable, recognize the Republic of Belarus as a violator of several articles and paragraphs of the International Covenant on Civil and political Rights and oblige her to compensate for costs and damages.

In the responce from the Human Rights Committee Ihar Pastnou was informed that his appeal of February 22, 2014 was registered on March 21, 2014, and a copy was sent to the Belarusian government. Ihar Pastnou will be informed about the response received from the Belarusian side, so that he could give an answer or follow-up comments.

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