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Restrictions on Dzmitry Miadvedz’s freedom expire today

2013 2013-10-30T13:37:35+0300 2013-10-30T13:37:35+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
Dzmitry Miadvedz

Dzmitry Miadvedz

Dzmitry Miadvedz, one of the defendants of the “rioting” case of 2010, is not involved in politics, nor is he related to political parties and movements, reports.

He works as an electrical engineer in construction business and ran his own business – his firm was engaged in repairs.

At the trial, he said that he found himself in the square by accident – he had agreed to meet with his son, but they lost each other in a crowd. As a result, both he and his son were arrested on the night of December 20 and sentenced to 10 days in jail.

After serving his term of administrative arrest, Dzmitry Miadvedz was arrested again and put in jail on “rioting” charges. On January 6, 2011, he was charged under Par. 1 and 2 of Art. 293 of the Criminal Code (participation in mass disorders). As a result, he was sentenced to 3 years of restriction of liberty, so-called “home chemistry“.

Today, restrictions on Dzmitry Miadvedz’s limited freedom are expiring. Next week he will put on the register – his criminal record will be preserved for him for five more years.

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