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Dubrouna police make revolutionary discovery in zoology

2012 2012-01-05T19:37:14+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

In the middle of November regional ethnographers Hanna Chumayeva, Siarhei Karzhou and Siarhei Kazmerchak examined old barrows near the village of Khliustsina in the Dubrouna district and found that somebody had illegally dug large holes whose area was about 1 square meter and the depth – about 1,5 meters. On the bottom of the hole there were skulls and bones which were accurately put together.

The ethnographers filed an application with the Dubrouna District Police Department, asking to stop the activity of black arhaeologists and barbaric destruction of important cultural objects.

However, they received a surprising answer. Dubrouna police wrote that “human remnants were brought to the surface because of activity of foxes.” As it was allegedly found during the investigation, “there is a great population of foxes on the field where the hill is situated, and they dig holes in the process of their vital activity”.

Having received such an answer, Orsha ethnographers intend to apply to the Academy of Sciences. Were it not for the discovery of the Dubrouna policemen, nobody would have ever found out that foxes are capable of digging deep right-angle holes as much as one meter wide and put there human remnants in an accurate order.

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